The Bonds that Bind Us

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"Well, that went better than I expected." Hange said as she dabbed my face with a sterilised cloth "Does it hurt?"

"Yeah," I admitted while trying not to look at the Captain. As Rowan had always said, show no fear and I had tried my best to do just that in the trial but when Captain Levi had started kicking me, I had feared that he wouldn't stop. It wasn't until I heard Erwin's proposal that I realised it was all part of the greater plan and I had allowed that fear to disappear.

"Yeah? Describe it to me!" she asked, creepily with her eyes full of wonder. 

This is the section commander that Aurora spoke so highly off?

"Sorry for all that, but the theatrics did get you placed in our custody" Commander Erwin said with genuine remorse. 

" I understand" I replied barely above a whisper, today had taken a lot out of me, and I was tired to the bone, though deep down I knew this was only the beginning. 

"I can assure you the pain was worth it; we played our trump card at the perfect time. You have my utmost respect. Eren I'm glad that you're on our team." Commander Erwin praised me as he held his hand out for me to take.

"Me too, glad to be here, sir!" I said enthusiastically as I took the Commander's hand and shook it after all, this was what I wanted, to be one of them.

"So, Eren?" Captain Levi coaxed as he dropped down in the seat next to me, and I tried my hardest not to flinch.

" Sir?" I asked nervously as he stared at me, his eyes really were as lifeless as everyone said they were.

"You don't resent me now, do you?" the Captain monotoned and judging by his expression, I don't think particularly cared for my feelings on the matter either way.

"No. I can see that what you did was necessary sir." I said quietly. I could see the need for it, I just wish it hadn't hurt so much or that my ass was handed to me in front of such a large crowd.

"Good. Then you understand."

"Still, don't you think you went too far" Hange rebuked the Captain as she pulled out a bloody handkerchief "You knocked his tooth out!"

"You picked it up? How disgusting" the Captain sneered as he looked at the bloody tooth in Hange's handkerchief. What was with these people?

"This is a precious sample ill have you know." Hange declared as she clutched the tooth to her chest. This woman was weird as hell, how on earth did she ever become friends with Aurora?

"Be glad that people like that aren't dissecting you." Captain Levi quipped as he watched Hange with disdain.

"Don't you dare compare me with them! I would never dream of killing him" Hange said outraged before turning her eyes back to me "Hey Eren, let me take a look inside that mouth of yours." 

Shrugging, I complied and opened my mouth wide to allow Hange to appear inside and puzzled as I heard her sharp intake of breath.

"Your tooth... It grew back." Hange said in awe as she stared inside my mouth. It didn't come as a surprise that the tooth had grown back after all my arm and leg had reappeared after my first transformation, what did surprise me was that it grew back now in my human form.

"This is restricted personal only; I'm going to have to ask you to leave!" a male voice on the other side of the door commanded. 

Seems even in freedom I am still chained.

"Move or be moved! I'm not going to ask nicely again" a familiar voice threatened from the other side of the door, and everyone including myself stiffened in response.

The Birth of Freedomحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن