Flight of the Valkyries

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"We will worry about that when he is safe" Armin stressed as he turned to Jean with pleading eyes.

"He couldn't do it?" Jean muttered in shock before his face twisted in an uncontrollable rage.

"That is it! I have it with your bullshit Eren! Did I not say this day would eventually come! Look at yourself, our fates are in your hands. Were out there putting our lives on the line and this is what you've got to show for it, from our last best hope!" Jean spat, and I suddenly found myself understanding why Aurora liked this kid so much, he had a fire in his heart, the same fire she had, and it was burning brightly now as he glared down at Eren.

"Is this what Marco died..." Jean's anger broke off in a sob as he clutched his head in his hands, the years disappearing from his face as his sorrow began to take hold and tears fell from his eyes.

He's just a kid... they all are...we made soldiers out of children...

Groaning, I hated myself for what I had to do next. I didn't want to do it, but we didn't have time for our emotions to be played out, not with the Female Titan demolishing the city as we speak. I needed them to be the soldiers I knew they could be; and right now I needed Jean to dry his eyes and get his head in the fight.

"Get a grip of yourself, soldier!" I ordered, and both Jean and Armin turned to me in shock.

"Sir?" Jean questioned as he turned to face me, tears still in his eyes and I reigned in my sympathy to opt for a steel resolve. 

"Get a hold of yourself, your a damn soldier for god sake and this city is under attack! You and Armin are to go find and report to Aurora. Do as she commands and help her and Mikasa contain Annie before she demolishes the city," I commanded as I jumped up to my feet and looked down the street to see smoke rising through the remains of broken buildings as the screams of innocent civilians began to get louder and louder. We needed to act now.

This city isn't prepared for a Titan attack. At this rate, half of Stohess will be destroyed.

Turning back around, I noticed Jean and Armin had yet to move, and I felt my temper spark at the insubordination after all, I had just given them a direct order.

They wouldn't pull this shit if Aurora had given the order.

"What are you still standing there for" I barked as I took a threatening step towards them, "I gave you a direct order!"

"What about Eren?" Armin fretted as his eyes darted between Eren and me and understanding, I nodded to Armin knowing how much he didn't want to leave Eren but right now they were better off assisting with plan C, I could handle Eren.

At least I hope I can.

"Leave him to me, now go and help Aurora!" I commanded and moved towards Eren's impaled limp body, his eyes closed as blood flowed freely from his chest and mouth.

Here goes nothing.

"Sir!" Armin and Jean saluted in unison before engaging their ODM gear and disappearing into the air. Crouching above Eren, I gently shook his body to try and wake him without furthering his injuries and just like before he opened one teal eye to look right at me.

At least he is listening.

"Eren?" I prodded but got no answer, only stares "Eren, I need you to get up."

Still, no reply, only his one eye watching me and a part of me wondered if he was even still there, or if he had finally succumbed to the pressure but I still had to try, I had to for all our sakes.

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