Chapter 25

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We sat down at the table in mom's study. She grabs a pen and paper." Before I ask these questions, I must state I am very happy that yall are wanting to do this cause this small town needs to know that you are both fighters and don't back down for shit." He and I smile while looking at her, Andy speaking up." So what do you want to know?" Mom looking down at her paper then asked." When did you realize that you were a dominant?"

He looked at me knowing that I have never heard the answer." Uh well when I was with this girl named Rain, yes that was her actual name anyway she was into it and asked me to try it and be her dominant so I did and turned out I liked it." Mom then looked at me and said." And you? What made you a submissive?" I was slightly embarrassed and said." Well after we watched Fifty Shades Of Grey and the scene where Ana was tied while hitting her with the riding crop I always have jerked my body cause I felt connected with her in a weird way so I just well, I knew being a submissive would be what I wanted so I did so."

My mom smiling and writing what I said down." Now one last question; why and who is leaking inappropriate photos of both of you on the internet?" She asked. I looked at Andy and then at Mom, then back sighing." I won't say his name, Andy might but I won't but he wants to be with me and doesn't like me being with Andy." I hung my head and then waited on Andy." His name is Jack, my ex-best friend." Andy grabbed my hand." Come on let's all go play with the family."

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