Chapter 6

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When we walk into the house, Leo threw his backpack on the couch then head to the bathroom, I went into my room, waiting on him I looked for Andy's favorite outfit, the one he always takes off as soon as I'm in the door of the play room. I look through my closet and found the shirt its black leather, it hugs me tight in the right places, I then turn to my dresser and found my fishnet leggings and blood red mini skirt, I went back in the closet, found my thigh high black and red leather heel boots, going back to the dresser I found the matching black and red lingerie set he got for our two year anniversary. I set everything out on my bed then Leo calls out "Lessy, I need you." I rush to him and knock on the door." Come in, I have shorts on."

I walk in and look at him with tears in my eyes, his slim body riddled with cuts, scraps, and brusies." Oh my god, Leo; they did quite a number on you." I say and he nods." Lessy, I wanna thank you for helping me and saving my life." He says to me with tears in his eyes I look at him with love in my eyes and say to him.

" You don't need to thank me, not only is it my job to help my little brother I'm proud to do it." Tears start wetting his face he says through the sobs." I know Lessy but you literally saved my life." I asked him "What do you mean literally?" He sighs the lifts his shorts leg up and I see twenty self harm cuts that are pretty deep any deeper he would bleed out, tears started forming in my hazel eyes again." When did you start, Leo?" He answered "Ending of last school year, someone told me that I was a sin; that I should go ahead and kill myself to go to hell, I couldn't leave mom, dad, you, or Andy but I was about to till you told me how to stand up for myself and I wanna thank you for being the best older sister anyone could ask for."

Tears was falling from my eyes and I hugged him tightly." You're welcome little brother." I let him go and start cleaning up his cuts and brusies; he winced in pain but he knew it needed to be done so he stood there and took it like the brave little boy he has always been.

" There I'm done." I said standing up and hugging him again, he hugs me back and whispers one last time "Thank you, so much sissy." I let him go and we both walked out of the bathroom. I checked the time 3:25, I still have four hours till I go over to Andy's. I go down stairs and went to the fridge there was a note that read.

" Go head and start dinner, we are going to be a little late cause of all the meetings, love Mom and Dad." I smiled and looked through the fridge, I pulled out some chicken, bell peppers, and corn. I cut the chicken into pieces, then cutting the bell pepper, throwing it and corn in a pan with butter satuéèing it then throwing the chicken in there then I put on some white rice, letting it cook then I laid it in a baking pan, then the chicken and stuff in the oven on low letting it simmer and cook. I then sat down getting a text from Andy.

Daddy: Hey baby girl, look what I got on vacation. He sent a picture of a cropping whip, flogger, and a butt plug with the letters D.G meaning Daddy's Girl. I smiled and answer
Me: mmmmm Daddy, r u using those on me tonight?
Daddy: Yes baby girl, you deserve it espically since its been all summer since we have had sex, I'm going to make you scream tonight, understand?
Me: mmmmm yes Daddy I understand
Daddy: Good girl, I love u so much baby
Me: I love u too Daddy, see you later.
I hear the front door opened then "Babies we are home."

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