//The lost heir pt.2

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Victoria must have dozed off right as she boarded the train and took her seat. She had been up all night, to excited and happy for this very moment the night before to fall asleep. Her eyes lazily opened and she started to be aware of the train moving under her. She looked out the window and watched the trees fly by for proof.
She rubbed her eyes and sat up from her comfortable sleeping position.
"Well look at that, sleeping beauty's finally awake" She heard an all to familiar voice spat from next to her. She snapped her head to her left staring face to face with that special certain blonde. She rolled her eyes at the smirk that was painted across his face and she smirked back.
She took in his appearance, she thought it has slightly changed from last year. For one he was paler and his eyes were a tad sunken in and red. Probably from lack of sleep or crying she guessed. He was dressed in a fine black suit that seemed way to sophisticated for the occasion. She smiled at him and the compartment door opened. She was surprised to see Blaise in the door way. Even thought she didn't look she thought he was already inside sitting with them. He took a seat across from the two and smiled at the beautiful girl.
"So Zabini" the blonde said "what did Slughorn want?" 
Victoria shot them a confused look on who they were talking about. But she had a guess it was Horace Slughorn whom the Primroses disliked very much. Victoria didn't really know much of the details, but it had something to do with betrayal and of course You-Know-Who.
"Just trying to make up to well-connected people...Not that he managed to find many" said Blaise. Draco's face was not fazed by his information.
"Who else had he invited" he demanded and Victoria just listened to the conversation
"McLaggen from Gryffindor" Blaise said
"Oh yeah, his uncle's big in the Ministry" Draco added
"And someone else called Belby, from Ravelclaw" Blaise so added to. Victoria budded in "Not him, He's a prat"
"And Longbottom, Potter, and that Weasley girl. I'm surprised he didn't invite you money bags"Blaise finished. Victoria scoffed "like hell he would, My family hates him. Why on earth would i be invited in a group of dirty baboons. Speaking of baboons wheres Crabbe and Goyle"
"Those two fools missed the bloody train" Blaise laughed but soon Draco had to ruin the fun
"He invited Longbottom" he questioned
"Well, I assume so, as Longbottom was there" Blaise spat at him.
"What's Longbottom got to interest Slughorn" Malfoy asked but both Victoria and Blaise shrugged
"Potter, precious Potter, obviously he wanted to look at 'the chosen one' Draco went on "but that Weasley girl! What's so special about her" he sneered
"Well for starters all the boys like her" Victoria answered "Even you think she's good looking don't you Blaise, and we all know how hard you are to please" Victoria teased him
Blaise laughed coldly "I wouldn't touch a filthy little blood traitor like her whatever she looked like"
Victoria laughed at his remark and Draco just sank back in Victoria's lap with his arms folded and she started playing with his platinum blonde locks.
"Well, I pity Slughorn's taste. Maybe he's going a bit senile. Shame, my father always said he was a good wizard in his day. My father used to be a bit of a favorite of his. Slughorn probably hasn't heard I'm on the train,or-" Draco went on but Blaise interrupted him, earning a sour face from Victoria.
"I wouldn't bank on an invitation..He asked me about Nott's father when I first arrived. They used to be old friends, apparently, but when he heard he'd been caught at the Ministry he didn't look happy, and Nott didn't get an invitation, did he? I don't think Slughorn is interested in Death Eaters"
Blaise's comment made Draco shift slightly and he has an angry scowl on his face but he forced a laugh
"Well, who cares what he's interested in? What is he, when you come down to it? Just some stupid teacher" Draco yawned. Victoria's touch making him a little drowsy "I mean I might not even be at this pathetic excuse for a school next year, what's it matter to me if some fat old has-been likes me or not?" Victoria was a little shaken back at Draco's words for the school she loved so dearly.
"It's not pathetic and what do you mean you might not be at Hogwarts next year?" She asked him. She stopped stroking his hair
"Well, you never know" Draco smirked " I might..er...moved into to bigger and better things"
Victoria laughed "Do you mean Vold- Uh You-Know-Who" she quickly caught her self remembering how sensitive wizards are to hearing his name. Even Draco shuddered at it whenever he heard it.
Draco shrugged "Mother wants me to complete my education, but personally, I don't see it as that important these days. I mean, think about it....When the Dark Lord takes over, is he going to care how many O.W.L.s or N.E.W.Ts anyone's got? Of course he isn't.....It'll be all about the kind of service he received, the level of devotion he was shown"
Victoria laughed again at the 16 year olds ignorance "If he takes over not 'when' and you think you'll be able to do something for him...Sixteen years old and not even fully qualified yet" Victoria said in a baby voice just to tease the blonde boy.
"I've just said haven't I? Maybe he doesn't care if I'm qualified. Maybe the job he wants me to do isn't something that you'll need to be qualified for, hell Victoria he'll might even ask you to join, since your family holds the key to the Ministry"
Victoria looked down at him "Me? Oh funny. No way I'd join a fools club full of power hungry pikeys, just a bunch of heartless twits and I'm better than that. I don't even see what all the fuss is about. He's not as scary as everyone claims him to be. They're all just to coward to stand up to him or his goon squad. That big bad wolf role is just a joke. Trolling himself in my opinion"
Draco looked up at her like she want mental "Don't let him hear you say that out loud, you won't live to see another second, might as well just turn yourself in, like lamb to the slaughter. You won't be saying this stuff face to face with him. You'd just be another one of the wizards you call cowards. Your bloody arrogance is going to get you killed"
Victoria had no fear for The Dark Lord. She wasn't scared of him at all.
"Oh please looks who's talking. I'm just as powerful as that old git, should he appear in front of me right now I'd be down to fight. Teach him to respect his superiors" Blaise and Draco were both surprised at her tone in which she spoke about You-Know-Who in. No one ever dared talk of him like that. She truly had no fear she had sympathy for him. She thought for someone to seek power by controlling, killing, and malicious acts was truly truly pathetic.
Draco rolled his eyes at his overly confident friend "I can see Hogwarts. We'd better get our robes on"
Victoria reached up for her trunk. She felt it hit something odd as for nothing was in the empty space next to it. She heard a small gasp and perhaps Draco did to. They both looked at the empty space and she shrugged it off believing it was just some passing air.

Soon the train came to a full stop and Victoria watched as the corridors filled with students. She never liked being one of the first students off the train, pushing through the storm of kids was simply horrid. Blaise left the train leaving Draco and Victoria alone in the compartment.
"You can go on.. I just want to check something" Draco told her but she shook her head "I know you heard it to"

There was still a few lingering students leaving the train. Draco moved to the compartment door and let down the blinds so no one could see inside. Victoria was interested in what was about to happen.
"Petrificus Tolatus!" Without warning Draco pointed his wand at the empty space next to Victoria's trunk. She let out a tiny shriek as she heard something very heavy and large come crashing to the floor. On the floor laid Harry Potter, his body trapping some sort of Invisibility Clock beneath him. His body was cramped in a kneeling position.
"You filthy twit" Victoria let out a vicious snarl
"I thought so" Draco said jubilantly "I heard Victoria's trunk hit you. And I thought I saw something white flash through the air after Zabini came back..."
Draco stared at Harry "You didn't hear anything I care about Potter. But while I've got you here...." Draco went on. He suddenly stomped on his face. Victoria watched as blood started spewing from his nose. Feeling slightly sorry for the poor boy but absolutely didn't care at the same time.
"That's from my father. Now, Let's see..." Draco dragged the cloak out from under Harry's crippled looking body and threw it on top of him.
"I don't reckon they'll find you till the train's back in London" Draco spat, ironically being the gentleman Draco is he grabbed Victoria's Trunk and she grabbed her owl. With his free hand he gently grabbed Victoria's and began to walk off
"See you around, Potter...or not" Draco made sure to step on Harry's fingers as he left the compartment.

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