Chapter 13

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~Non ones POV~
It was 6:25 in the morning as Midoriya woke up Todoroki to get ready for school ( I forgot what time school start so I will say 7:30). Todoroki open his eyes as a beautiful sight was right in front of him, the one and only person that he loves the most Izuku Midoriya.

"Hey sleepy head, wake up it's time for you to get change for school" Midoriya said as he smiled at Todoroki.

Todoroki blushes as he nodded his head and got out of bed getting ready for school. While Midoriya let him be so he could get to school on time without panicking like last time.

~Time skip at school in the class~
Todoroki was sitting in his sit isolating himself to not interact with others. Midoriya was just by his side while looking around the classroom. Then someone walked in the classroom and walked towards Todoroki.

Once the person was in front of Todoroki desk, Todoroki and Midoriya looked up to see Momo standing there. Todoroki and Momo started a conversation about school and life in general.

Midoriya thought it was a nice sight to see Todoroki socializing. Then he remembered, that they both will get married in a few months. Remembering that made his heart break.

Midoriya tried to keep his tears inside as his heart was really broken. Since he isn't the only angle in the room Uraraka and Bakugou both notice Midoriya reaction.

They both walked up to Midoriya and asked them if they could talk in private. Midoriya only nodded as all three of the disappeared. Todoroki, Kirishima and Iida notice but they thought that they just wanted to hang out with their friends.

~with the angels~
~No ones POV~
"Hey Deku-kun, what's wrong?" Uraraka asked with concern in her voice

"N-nothing is wrong I'm j-just tired" Midoriya responded as he lied to his best friend

"Stop fucking lying Deku, what up with you? I saw the way you looked at half n half and ponytail" Bakugou spike up as he was also worried about his childhood best friend.

"Ya Deku-kun, you looked sad as if you were heartbroken"

Midoriya was more nervous as he started to sweat a little. He didn't want both of his friend to find out that he was in love with a human, not only a human but with his owner (or master).

Midoriya just staid silent as he didn't want to say anything, but then Uraraka and Bakugou, both realized why Midoriya looked sad as if he was heartbroken.

"W-Wait Deku-kun, d-don't tell me that-"

"You have fallen in love with half n half" Bakugou finished Uraraka sentence as hey both looked shocked.

Midoriya only looked at them as he was about to tear up. He stayed silent as he lowered his head, but then felt warmth around him. He looked up and saw both of his friends hugging him.

"It's okay Deku-kun let it all out" Uraraka said since she knows how it feel.

Uraraka is Iida guardian angel that has also fallen in love with her owner (or master). Even Bakugou has fallen in live with his owner (or master) Kirishima.

"I-it hurts, I-I know t-that we can't fall in love b-but I-I can't help it, he probably d-doesn't feel the same way, a-and the fact t-that he will g-her m-married w-w-with-" Midoriya couldn't finish his sentence since he was crying so much.

Bakugou and Uraraka could only comfort him. Once he calmed down they both told him that everything will be okay and that they will go through it together also they both told him, that they had fallen in love with their owner (or master).

When the three of them were calm enough they went back into the human world as they both went back to their owner.

~back in the classroom~
~with Todoroki and Midoriya~
~ No one POV~
'Hey where were you?' Todoroki wrote down on a piece of paper since his conversation with Momo was over and they were in their seats starting class.

'Oh, I was just hanging out with my friends that it don't worry about me, you should focus in class so you could become even more smarter then you are' Midoriya wrote down.

Todoroki looked at his side as he saw the most angelic smile ever. His heart started to speed up as a tint of blush was shown on his cheek.

Todoroki only smiled in return as he focus on the lesson. Midoriya smile then went down as he sighed quietly looking at Todoroki as he witnessed Momo starring at Todoroki from time to time.

'If only you know how much I love you that it's painfully killing me inside, but I'm just a guardian angel that must protect their owner (or master)'

Midoriya was shocked that he felt a tear slide down his cheek, as he wiped it off. Bakugou and Uraraka looked at him as they mouth if he was okay.

Midoriya mouthy hat he was perfectly fine, which was a lie.

'My love for you is painfully killing me in the inside but you will never notice my feelings towards you Shoto, I love you so much'

Pure love ~Todoroki x Angel Deku~Where stories live. Discover now