The Next Morning

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I wake up still cuddled against Yeosang. He smells really good, and he is keeping me warm, so I just lay there. After a few minutes, I feel Yeosang shift. Is he awake? And if so, why did he move like that? Am I making him uncomfortable?

"Are you awake?" I hear him softly whisper. I'm not sure if I should respond, but I do anyway, "Yes. Am I making you uncomfortable?" I whisper back to him. He kinda giggles, but a little awkwardly. "Well, yes, but only because I know you are awake now. Did you randomly wake up, or did you feel it?" He asks me.

I'm confused, so I ask, "What do you mean, feel it?" He laughs, sounding relieved. "Good that you didn't feel it before I shifted away. I am having a bit of a guy problem, if that's not weird for me to tell you..." He says.

I think about it for a second and realize what he is talking about. "Ohhh, a GUY problem. Uhm, do you need me to leave so you can take care of it or...?" I ask him, just trying to find out what will help.

"Nah, I think I am just going to get up and go to my bathroom. Uhm, no matter how much I would love for you to see it," he laughs awkwardly, "would you mind looking the other way?" I feel my face heat up, yet again. "Of course. Are you sure you don't want me to go see about breakfast or something?" I ask him.

"You know what, that actually sounds good. It would be nice for you to go and do that. I guess I will meet you there in a minute. After I get this stupid thing to go away." He says. I scoot away from him and to the opposite side of the bed.

"Oh, but first. I forgot to ask you last night. Uhm, who changed my clothes, whose clothes am I wearing, and what happened to my clothes?" I ask him. He shifts oddly again. I kinda feel bad for holding up his progress, but at the same time, I don't because I am hoping I will get to sneak a peek.

"I am the one who changed your clothes, you are wearing my clothes, and I washed your other clothes because they had blood on them, from where my drone hit your head. SPeaking of, do you feel ok?" He says.

"I feel great, my head only hurts a little. But, you saw me naked?" I ask him, blushing. He pauses for a moment, then says, "Well... yes, but it's not in a weird way. I was just focused on making sure to get your bloody clothes off of you so I could lay you in my bed. I wasn't trying to scope you out or anything, I swear. I had only good intentions, unlike now. So please, just go see about breakfast before I say or do something that both of us will regret."

"Ok, ok. Sorry. I'll see you in the kitchen," I walk towards the door, but before I open it, just to mess with him, I say, "but believe me, I don't think you could do a single thing to me that I would regret."

I open the door and walk down the hallway and towards the kitchen. I hear Yeosang shut the door behind me. Which makes me chuckle as I walk into the kitchen. As soon as I look up to see if anyone is in the kitchen, I see Seonghwa.

"Good morning, sleepy head. Wearing Yeosang's clothes, I see?" He says, as he looks down at the stove. "Good morning. And yes, I am, because he said I had gotten blood on my clothes from when his drone hit me." I tell him.

"Ah, I see. Are you hungry? I can make you some breakfast." He says. I smile at him. God, everyone here is so sweet. "Yeah, and Yeosang wants some too. He won't be out here yet though." I say. He looks up and smiles at me.

"Now I'm curious. Why hasn't our little friend come to breakfast with you?" He asks me. I giggle and say, "I guess because he didn't want HIS little friend to come to breakfast." Which causes Seonghwa to laugh.

"Ahh, so getting out of bed wasn't the hardest thing for him this morning." he says, as he ducks below the counter to grab a pan. I laugh at his joke and he pops back up with a pan in hand. "So, what would you like? I can make just about anything you want." He says.

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