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I wake up to the sound of the captain's voice over the ship's intercom. "Good morning passengers. Due to unexpected circumstances, I regret to inform you that the ship will take a short detour to restock on fuel. We will begin our regular route as soon as possible. Thank you for understanding. An update will be announced as I have more information," and the intercom clicks off.

I groan and roll over, falling back asleep. I sleep until the intercom goes off again. "Passengers, we will be docking in the Bahamas in about 30 minutes. The refueling will take approximately 4 hours, so feel free to leave and explore the Bahamas. Thank you."

I decide to get up and gather all of my stuff in my suitcase because I want to explore and I don't feel comfortable leaving all of my stuff on board while the crew and captain will be working on getting the ship ready for our departure.

Before I know it, the intercom buzzes to life yet again. "Ok, passengers, we have successfully docked at the Bahamas. The ship will be ready for departure again in approximately 4 and a half hours. Enjoy your time here while it lasts," and with that, I grab my suitcase and leave the ship.

At first, I have no idea where to go or what to do. So I use the technology I have to my advantage. I finally just decide to go shopping. I go to the first store I see, which happens to be a Victoria's Secret. I get a new bathing suit and some lingerie, just to make myself feel pretty. And plus, who doesn't love some good underwear and a few new bras?

I walk outside and shove the bag in my suitcase. I decide to go walking around and see all of the other ships along the harbor. I walk down some stairs and I have this odd feeling settling in my gut. I decide to ignore it because it is just me being nervous about being left by the ship. I look over and the ship is still there, so I shake my head and continue walking.

All of a sudden, someone runs up to me from behind and slams their hand over my mouth. They pick me up and carry me away to one of the ships lined along the harbor. I wiggle around and try to get free from their grip, but I am not strong enough. I can't find my voice to scream, and their hand is over my mouth anyway.

The man takes me on to a ship and throws me down on the deck, right in front of a man with dark, almost midnight, purple hair. I lean up and try to stand up, but the man behind me knocks me down again. "Where are you taking me?" I gasped as I try to sit up and move away from the men now circling me.

The man with the dark hair leans down and smirks at me. "Our ship only goes one way."

Taken (ATEEZ Pirate AU)Where stories live. Discover now