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I wake to the feeling of something cold overtaking my body. 'I can't breathe,' Is all I think before I wake, gasping for air. "It's about time you woke up." The captain tells me. I whip my hair out of my face and bring my knees to my chest to attempt to cover my bra showing through my shirt. He notices and laughs at me with a smug smirk. "No one is looking at your boobs, you can relax." He turns around.

"When are you guys going to untie me and treat me like a human being?" I ask him, looking down at the boards of the ship. He continues to stare forward, watching the sunrise over the calm waves, electrifying them into an orange and yellow madness. Someone speaks to him from behind me.

"I think we should treat her as one of us. She doesn't seem like a threat. I mean, we weren't exactly fair to her yesterday, so if she is still wanting to be a part of our team, I think we should let her." The man says. I notice the voice right away. That's the guy that was talking to me last night. I try my hardest to turn around and look at him. Before he finishes talking, I manage to turn around and sneak a peek at him.

Oh, wow, he's handsome. They're all handsome. I take my time to stare at each of them individually. The captain grabs my chin and pulls it until I make eye contact with him. "What do we get out of letting you stay with us on good terms?" he asks me. I soften my eyes to try to show my submissive side.

"Well, if I am correct, I am the only woman here, and I am sure that all of you could use a woman's touch. I'm good at cooking and cleaning, my friends always called me the mother of the group. I love to take care of people and I am very dependable. I am great at giving advice, following orders, and I am a very good listener." I tell him. He squints his eyebrows and almost seems offended.

"Are you implying that we need a whore?" he asks me, sternly, making me gasp. "No!" I raise my voice at him. "I could never be a whore. I am just saying that you guys could benefit from having a woman around." He seems to be thinking about what I say, still holding my chin.

After a few minutes, he snatches his hand from my jaw and steps back from me. "I'll let you stay with us, but you have to follow my rules," he tells me.

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