My thoughts are instantly cut off as someone suddenly shoves a red solo cup into my hand, filled to the brim with god knows what. I glance at the stranger standing before me, and I know immediately I'm not familiar with this person at all. I stare at the man and begin to slyly check him out. He has a short buzz cut and brown hair, paired with a body that any girl would be happy to wake up next to. Before he notices me checking him out, I extend my hand out to him.

"Addy," I tell the stranger with a small smile.

"Holden," he says while shaking my hand. "Is Addy short for something? I've never heard of it before. It's beautiful," he continues while bringing his lips to my hand. I push down the urge to giggle.

"It's Adira. Seems too formal to me," I reply with a shrug while bringing my hand back down to my side.
Isaac quickly intercepts our conversation, and jokingly tells Holden to stop flirting with me because he had dibs. I laugh and tell them I'm going to get a new drink, as I had already finished the first beer I was given. Once I return, I turn to talk to Holden as I notice Lenna and Isaac were in a separate conversation and laughing.

"So, Holden, do you live here? Or do you know who does? This place is pretty amazing," I say while peering my eyes around the place again. Holden looks at me and smiles.

"Actually, I do. Well, me and a bunch of people. This is our packhouse."

"Like a frat house? That's cool. I was thinking about joining a sorority too," I say. "How is the Greek life on campus?"

Holden suddenly looks uncomfortable, like he regrets what he said. Looking around uneasily, Holden almost seems to squirm on the spot.

"Um..." he starts.

"Hey, guys! What are you doing?" Isaac suddenly says between the two of us. It was like he knew exactly when to come. Huh.

"Nothing! Let's play beer pong?" Holden says while looking at me hopefully. I turn to him smiling, and while shaking my head I let him know how horrible a beer pong player I really am.

He waves me off and says, "I'm sure you're not that bad."

"I really am!"

"Let's find out!"


After a few rounds of beer pong, I'm pretty drunk.

No... I'm literally wasted.

Lenna and I have already taken 50 different selfies, 7 shots and I had a few beers earlier too. Amidst my drunken fog, I turn to Lenna who is drunk texting one of her exes.

"I need some fresh air," I say while slowly examining the front and back of my hand. Why are hands attached to our bodies? I swear I'm tripping out right now.

Lenna basically completely ignores me, and she's suddenly venting on her phone to one of the poor gentlemen she had been texting. I quickly stand and begin swaying as I walk toward the front door of the mansion we are currently in. I notice a lot of people have dispersed, although there are still quite a few couples grinding to the music. I crinkle my nose in disgust.

"Get a room!" I hazily shout towards one of the couples, whilst giggling and exiting the house. I stumble down the driveway and start walking down the dimly lit road. I can barely keep my eyes open before I literally smack right into someone. Or a few someones. The person in front of me suddenly grows 3 more heads and I have to blink to adjust. Okay. There is only one head now.

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