Chapter 11: Society of The Blind Eye (Part 2)

Depuis le début

Once we arrived at the Gravity Falls Museum of History via Soos's rusted truck with McGucket riding in the back while listening to "Straight Blanchin" (a song on a CD that was thrown out the window by Wendy), we did a quick walk around the building to decide our entrance plan. Lucky for us, one of the windows had been left open, making an easy entrance for us. Well, easy for most of us. Things got a little iffy when Soos was climbing through the window, but with a little shove he made it through.

We were really all just bumbling around the museum room, glancing at the trinkets, paintings, and sculptures protected by red velvet rope until Soos drew our attention to something else.

"Guys, look!" he yelled, pointing to a dark figure running away at the end of a long hallway.

Being our only lead, the 6 of us wasted no time charging after him. We ran below a strange set of clear tubes on the ceiling while trying to follow the figure and ended up in a room full of eyes. There were models, diagrams, and paintings of eyes lining the room. A fire burned in a chimney on one of the walls.

"Well kettle my corn. He vanish-ified," McGucket commented in his rough, hillbilly voice as he walked into the room.

"It doesn't make sense," Dipper complained, putting his hands on his hips. "Where did he go?"

McGucket began to hunch over more than he usually did as his eyes darted around to all the eyes in the room. He had backed himself into the point in the wall where all of the various eye models, diagrams, and paintings were fixated on. "I feel like all these eyeballs are a-watchin' me."

"Wait... they are! Move aside," Dipper instructed, making a "move aside" motion with his hand.

McGucket did as told and took a step to the right, revealing an eye inscribed on a clay tablet that was staring directly ahead. Dipper took a couple confident steps forward and pressed the tablet with his outstretched hand. A low grumbling sound arose from behind us and we turned to see a secret passageway appear from behind the fireplace.

"Jackpot!" Wendy exclaimed, clenching her fists in excitement.

Together, the 6 of us descended down the stone staircase, with fiery torches lighting the way. Our footsteps echoed as we made our way to a closed curtain at the bottom. On the other side of the curtain, I could hear some sort of chanting ritual, but I couldn't make out what was being said. I took another step and cracked open the curtain enough so we could see what was going on.

It was dark, so I couldn't see much. But, I was able to make out 6 robed figures who formed a circle around a chest on a pedestal. Beside the figures was a single chair that had hand and ankle clamps.

A mysterious 7th figure emerged from the darkness and spoke with a deep, powerful voice. "Who is the subject of our meeting?"

Two more figures emerged, guiding a woman in a pink waitress dress with a bag over her head to the chair. "This woman."

I immediately recognized her. I hadn't been to Greasy's Dinner all that much, but the woman in that pink waitress dress had a memorable personality. Clearly, Mabel recognized her too.

"Lazy Susan?" Mabel questioned, raising an eyebrow as she spoke.

Lazy Susan was guided to the chair and the straps were tightened around her wrists.

The 7th figure spoke again. "What is it you have seen?"

"Speak!" the rest of the robed figures spoke simultaneously.

Lazy Susan didn't seem very phased by the situation, just slightly nervous if anything. Her voice still had her shakey, grandmothery tone. "Uh, well, uh, I was leaving the diner, and I saw these little bearded doodads, and I was, like, "Bwaaa?""

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