Chapter XI

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Stage 3, Bargaining.

Natalie was struggling to tell herself that she didn't deserve what she got. Each time she was hurt, it was because she did something wrong, right?

Natalie had yet to tell Ludwig the way she was feeling now. Her anger was disappating, and now she just felt guilt. She felt guilty for dragging Ludwig into her mess, but he was her rock right now. And he wasn't letting her push him away. He was persistent and took care of her despite her protests. He knows she's an independent woman, but sometimes she needs to learn to let herself be taken care of.

One of those times was right now. They were training and she turned the wrong way, falling and twisting her ankle. Ludwig took the pads off his hands, kneeling next to his lover and removed her gloves. "Liebe, are you okay?" His voice was frantic as he looked upon her in concern. Natalie let out a soft whimper, looking down at her ankle. It was already starting to swell.

Ludwig kissed her head and gently scooped her up "We should get you to the hospital, this doesn't look good, schön" he murmured to her as she sniffled quietly and held on tightly "N-no, it's fine. It's just a twist. We'll put ice on it and it'll be okay.." he looked at her uncertainly "Nat... What if you tore something? It's already turning purple!"

Natalie let out a soft whine, clutching on "Fine... But shower first. I don't want to go in there a sweaty mess. Please" she looked up at him with big eyes. He let out a soft groan "Don't look at me like that, you know I can't say no." With that he took her to the bathroom and set her on the counter, kissing her cheeks gently. Meanwhile, in her mind was that bargaining still. She deserved this, didn't she? She must have done something wrong and this was her punishment.

Ludwig started the shower and turned back to her, seeing her already have stripped her sports bra and trying to wriggle out of her leggings. He rushed over and stopped her "Let me help." He wrapped her arms around his neck as she huffed "Ludwig, I can strip myself, I don't need help!" He just smiled and pecked her lips "I know you can do it yourself, but I'm taking care of you. Please let me."

Natalie grumbled and cupped his cheeks, pressing their lips together. As she did Ludwig carefully lifted her and stripped down her leggings and panties, kissing her sweetly before pulling back gently. He smiled at her and stripped himself before picking her up, wrapping her legs around his waist. He carried her into the shower, pressing gentle kisses all over her face. She tried to move her ankle and whimpered gently, gripping onto Lud. He frowned and kissed her head "We'll be quick, just hold on tightly." He pressed her against the wall to help support her, letting the water run over them as he grabbed the shampoo and began washing her. It didn't take more than 15 minutes for him to wash them both and get out, wrapping her in a towel and his waist in one.

He carried her and sat her on the bed as he got out clothes for them. He helped dress her before dressing himself. "Lud, I really don't think I need to go to the hospital..." Natalie spoke up before Lud placed a finger to her lips "Shush. You need the help. You're in pain and something could be seriously wrong." She huffed and grumbled "I deserve it though.." to this, he frowned deeply "What? Why would you think that, liebe?"

Natalie looked down at her hands, fiddling with her fingers "I don't know... But I deserved what Ryan gave me... If I behaved and did things the right way, I wouldn't be hurt..." Ludwig's face held anger. Not at her, at the fact someone made this strong, beautiful woman, see herself as worthless. He crouched in front of her, gently lifting her ankle and placed tender kisses to it. "You do not deserve this. You did not deserve what Ryan did. Do you understand?" He looked up at her sternly. "You never deserved that. Ryan isn't healthy mentally, and I'm sorry you got caught in the crossfire of him. So under no circumstances are you to think you deserve it. No matter what. Okay? You come to me when you feel that way."

Her eyes teared up and she hugged him tightly, burying her face into his neck and let a few of her tears fall "I'm sorry, Ludwig." He held her close, stroking her hair "Don't apologize, you're perfect liebe. Okay? Don't change who you are." He whispered to her before scooping her up "Now to the hospital." He let her cling and hide in him as he carried her to the car, setting her in the seat gently. He pushed the seat back all the way, giving her leg room to rest on the dash board. He kissed her forehead and held her hand "Are you okay now?" He smiled gently at her

She gave a weak smile back "I'm getting there.. I love you so much." He cupped her cheek and pressed their lips together, giving her a slow but passionate kiss before pulling back slowly "I love you more, schön." He smiled before closing the door and getting in the driver side, driving to the hospital. The visit was relatively quick. She was seen and they did an x ray revealing she sprained her ankle, but nothing was torn or broken. They put her in a splint, gave her crutches, and sent her on her way.

After they were home, Ludwig got her comfortable in bed and got an ice pack for her ankle, elevating it. Natalie complained that he was babying her by doing everything for her, but she secretly enjoyed that he cared so much. He was insistent that she just sit there and look pretty while he took care of everything. He made her some food, kept her hydrated, and gave the redhead as many cuddles as she wanted, which was a lot.

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