Chapter IV

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Natalie's birthday was fast approaching, it was only a few days now. She didn't want a crazy party, she just wanted a quiet, romantic evening with her lover.

Natalie had been staying with her boyfriend for the past few days, and she was having a hard time sleeping. It was the middle of the night and she was in his at home gym, presently running on the treadmill. She had a lot on her mind near her birthday since her ex.

Her eyes were glazed over as she was lost in thought and didn't hear or feel the presence in the room that joined her. Their arms wrapped around her waist and one hand covered her mouth.

She tried to scream and squirmed, bringing her fist up before bringing it down hard between the attackers legs. A stream of German curse words escaped her lover as he was on his knees now.

She whirled around with tears in her eyes, panting hard before realization came that her lover was just trying to have fun and scare her a little. She knelt in front of him and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Sorry for punching your dick, but that was an asshole move, Luddy." She whispered and hugged his neck tightly, squeezing her eyes closed. He wrapped his arms around her, his voice strained from the pain between his thighs "I'm sorry, liebe, I was just trying to scare you a little. I'm glad you can defend yourself though"

She sniffled and buried her face in his chest "Jerk, don't do that to me" she gripped onto him. He cooed softly, stroking her hair "You're okay, Natalie" he whispered, helping to calm her further.

After a few minutes in their kneeled embrace, she pulled away gently and pecked his lips. He smiled and nuzzled their noses "So why are you down there at 3 in the morning?"

Natalie blushed lightly and leaned into him again "I couldn't sleep. I can't sleep near my birthday usually, too many bad memories" she murmured and placed a hand on his bare chest, stroking a scar gently.

His body was littered in scars from his childhood trauma. Something Natalie had learned. He was orphaned with his brother at a young age and was bounced from foster home to foster home. None of them were kind. He fought to stay alive and support his brother, who at their young age was selling his body to help provide for himself and his twin.

Natalie closed her eyes and began kissing his scars on his chest. He had bad memories too, and it made her heart ache. She wanted to love away all his pain. She laid him back and continued to kiss his body. He sensed she didn't want to talk just yet, so instead he just savored every gentle kiss and touch he was given.

They snuggled on the wooden floor a while longer before he realized she had fallen asleep finally. It was 5 in the morning now, and he was glad it was the weekend.

He carefully lifted her, carrying her upstairs and laying her gently on the bed. He stripped her of her sweaty clothes and laid with her, rubbing her back as she snuggled up to him. He smiled as he watched her. She was truly something else. He didn't expect to meet someone that would have him feeling the way he did.

Ludwig managed to only sleep a little while longer before he got up. He tucked in his small lover and kissed her head, sliding his pillow to her as she reached for him. He stroked her hair, waiting for her to calm down again before he finally went to the bathroom and showered. Natalie slept for a few more hours before waking up, very groggy.

Ludwig had just come in from a run with Hilde as Natalie walked down the stairs in just one of his shirts with a sleepy pout as she rubbed her eyes.

He smiled softly and walked to her "Good morning, kitten" she immediately latched onto him, nuzzling his chest "Morning daddy. You weren't here when I woke up"

He kissed her head and held her close "I had to take Hilde out, liebe. I'm sorry" he nuzzled her head as she relaxed into him. He scooped her up in a hug and squeezed her close "Wanna shower, schön?"

She giggled and nodded, kissing his nose "Yeah, and then I can make breakfast" she nuzzled into him and wrapped her legs around him, latching on tight enough that he didn't have to hold her.

They showered, she gave some extra special kisses to his aching member from her attack on it the night prior. They washed each other and went back to the room to dress and to begin their day.

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