Chapter VIII

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A few days had passed and Natalie was still timid and afraid. She was jumpy, every little noise making her heart quicken. Ludwig wished he could take the pain his girlfriend was experiencing. So he started to research, looking up different ways he could help her heal.

He found something interesting, and noticed the similarities in it and things Natalie already did while she was healing. A subspace. For her, she was cat like. She purred and could contort her body oddly. She didn't want to meet new  people. Ludwig began emailing a dominant. Or rather, a dominatrix. He wanted to meet with them and knew a strong male aura would cause Natalie harm, mentally.

He arranged a meeting at a local cafe, it was a quiet place not many knew about. Ludwig woke up Natalie with soft kisses to her face, seeing a growing smile as her eyes fluttered open.

"Liebe, it's time to get up. There's someone I want you to meet" he nuzzled their noses. Natalie's eyes widened "Right now? Are they here?!" She jumped out of bed and began rushing around the room "Why didn't you wake me up sooner?!"

Ludwig chuckled softly and got up, grabbing one of her hands and spinning her gently back to him, taking her other hand and bringing them both to his neck as he leaned down to press a kiss against her pouted lips. "Luuuud, I've got to get readyyy" she whined as he shook his head "We're going to meet them, silly girl" he smiled at her as she visibly relaxed and leaned into his hold "Oh... That's nice" she murmured and kissed his chest softly

They both still needed to get ready though, they had to meet them in a little over an hour. They showered and dressed, and Ludwig waited for Natalie to do her makeup. Soon they were ready to depart and they left the apartment hand in hand.

They arrived at the cafe just in time. Ludwig recognized the dominatrix from their video call the other day. He led Natalie over where the tall woman waited with a much smaller woman next to her. Natalie shied behind her lover a bit, peeking out at them.

"Liebe" Ludwig gently tugged her out "This is Dominatrix Mona and her submissive, Priscilla" Natalie blinked and looked between her lover and the other two women. The dominatrix was tall, but she was also wearing impressive heels. Her height may have even gone above Ludwig's. She was wearing tight leather pants with a fitted low cut red shirt and a leather jacket. Her hair was blonde and pulled back into a braid. She screamed dominant.

Her submissive, Priscilla, was a dainty woman. She had black hair, cut short on the sides and long in the middle. She had a collar with a bell on it, and she was wearing a red and black plaid skirt with a tucked in long sleeve black shirt. She wore heels, putting her at a little taller than Natalie. But she was still small compared to her dominant.

Mona extended her hand to them with a pretty smile "It's nice to meet you both. Natalie, Ludwig has told me a lot about you" Natalie gently shook her hand and was startled by the kiss given to the back by the giant woman. She thought doms were supposed to be mean and scary, but she sees now that isn't the case.

Natalie gave a questioning look to Ludwig "Interesting, he hasn't mentioned you" she frowned up to him "What's going on?" Ludwig kissed her cheek "Relax liebe, it's just a casual meeting. I was doing research and I think I found something to help you"

Natalie pulled away and crossed her arms "I don't need help" she huffed. Mona interjected "Please, forgive us. It's a wild idea and it's meant no harm. Your lover wants you to feel better. He's told me a little about your situation, but didn't go into details to respect your privacy"

Natalie's scowl weakened into a frown as she dropped her arms and looked up at him "Wait, you did this for me? Not for yourself?" Ludwig took her hands and kissed her fingers gently "Only for you. I don't like seeing you in pain. If violence would fix it, you know I'd take care of things myself. But I know you don't like violence."

Natalie smiled softly and leaned up to kiss his cheek "Thank you, my love" she relaxed and looked to the women "I apologise for my rudeness..." She bit her lip. Priscilla spoke up "It's okay, we understand your hesitation" Mona shot Priscilla a look, causing the submissive to murmur an apology and go quiet.

The four sat at a table after getting their drinks and some pastries for Natalie and Priscilla. Mona turned her attention to the fiery red head "So Natalie, in order to understand the kind of help we're offering, you've got to keep an open mind"

Natalie raised her eyebrows and nodded, eating part of a danish. Mona smiled and stroked Priscilla's hair, eliciting a purr. "Do you know what a subspace is?" Natalie responded with a simple "No" to which Mona went on to explain.

"A subspace is typically used for a submissive in a BDSM relationship. It's the headspace they go to after play time to heal. Without it, they can become damaged depending on the play and how rough it is. As an example, I specialize with cat subspaces. Priscilla here is here to show you." Priscilla perked up at being addressed. She straightened her back and you could see the changes she went through. Her body relaxed, her eyes almost looked like they narrowed. And then she let out a very convincing meow before biting Mona's hand.

Mona sighed "Still trying to break her of this biting habit. But she literally acts like a cat. At the house she chooses to not wear clothes. She walks on all fours. She sleeps a lot. Causes mischief. Just as a cat would. But what it does is her mental state is resting. Just like sleep heals a body, the mind resting will heal as well."

"Similarly, there are subspaces that are littles. Where the mind reverts to a child like state. They let the forefront of their mind rest, letting the innocent child remain. That's even a kink some people have" she wrinkled her nose "But I'll still with my kittens" she hummed and kissed Priscilla's head, eliciting a purr.

Natalie was silent the whole time, listening and absorbing the information like a sponge. It sounded interesting, and Lud clearly thought it was a good idea, otherwise he wouldn't have suggested it.  Natalie bit her lip, looking up at her lover who gave her a reassuring smile and held her hand, squeezing it.

Natalie let out a breath and nodded "How do you do it?" Mona and Priscilla both smiled at her. Mona nodded to Priscilla, allowing her speak. You could see Priscilla literally change back to herself before she began speaking.

"You turn your brain off. Think about when you're dead tired, exhausted. You can't even think straight. Well, stop trying to think. Just let your mind be blank. It's a freeing feeling. Like your body is on autopilot."

Natalie mulled over it, Ludwig and Mona being in their own conversion. Natalie leaned into her lover and nuzzled his neck, feeling safe as he wrapped an arm around her. She knew this would help, this.. Subspace. It was an odd thing to think about, acting like a cat. But the turning her brain off, that sounded nice.

The rest of their meeting was spent with Natalie lost in her mind, thinking about everything she had learned. She watched Priscilla snuggle up to Mona who stroked her hair as the smaller woman laid her head on her bosom. That started a different string of thoughts. What would it be like to be with a woman?

Natalie decided when she was better, she would bring up the topic to Ludwig. But she had a lot of healing to do. Ryan did a number on her mind, and she thought she was over it. Clearly she wasn't. Just thinking about him made her hands shake, causing her to grip onto her lover and whisper "Can we go soon? Everything is starting to feel like too much.."

Ludwig kissed her head and nodded, smiling to the lesbian pair across from them "It was a pleasure to meet you both, but it's time we get going. Is it okay to contact you with any questions?"

"Of course! I encourage you to ask questions. I'm just a text away, loves" she smiled as they stood and shook their hands again. And with that, Natalie and Ludwig parted to go home and start her healing.

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