Chapter X

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Stage 2: Anger.

Natalie was furious. After that night of talking, they spoke a couple more times, each time the hurt slowly turning to anger. Not at Lud, at Ryan. She had angry tears. She woke up with them and they wouldn't stop. Ludwig slowly awoke to an empty bed. He was confused before seeing the bathroom door cracked, and the faint sound of sobs. He quickly darted into the bathroom, seeing his red headed beauty in the bath, curled up and trying to cry quietly.

He crouched next to the tub and hugged her, not caring a bit about coming wet as she held onto him. Ludwig kissed her head, murmuring softly "What is it, schön? What brings you to tears?" He stroked her mess of curls away from her face, cupping her cheek as she sniffled. He could see she was angry, it was in her eyes. She choked out quietly "I want him to feel my pain. Everything he put me through, I want him to feel, Lud. It's not fair, monsters like him walk around like they own the world while they hurt people they're supposed to take care of!" She let out a sob, rubbing her face "It's not fair... It's not fair.." she whispered as she was brought into Ludwig's chest again. He held her closely, letting her talk and cry it out.

He shared her anger. How could someone hurt another that way? How could Ryan hurt this amazing woman? She was strong, had a good heart, was kind to everyone. She didn't deserve this. Ludwig stripped his boxers and slid in behind his lover, wrapping his arms around Natalie again. She calmed down and just snuggled into her boyfriend. They relaxed in the hot water for a while, Ludwig stroking water up Natalie's back as she rubbed his chest.

"I think you should find an outlet." Ludwig's voice seemed louder in the otherwise quiet bathroom, causing his love to jump a little. She looked up at him in confusion "An outlet? For what?" "Your anger. You should take up yoga again, or something to channel your feelings into." Natalie was silent for a few moments "I can't do yoga when I'm angry, I'm too tense. I can do it other than that, but I don't know about the actual anger"

Ludwig smiled "You could try boxing?" Natalie giggled and hummed "And I wonder who my trainer would be.." she spoke playfully. Ludwig divulged his past to Natalie before. He grew up on the streets and got into fights for money, it's where a lot of his scars came from. His twin had taken to the street corners to get money. It was a rough childhood for the boys, they were angry at the world. Quite a difference to the gentle giant that is the current Ludwig.

They shared a sweet kiss, Ludwig offering to teach her boxing. He had the equipment for it still. They emerged from the bathroom, intent to get breakfast and begin training. Ludwig dressed in gym shorts, as Natalie put on a sports bra and workout leggings, going to the kitchen. She made them a big breakfast, talking and laughing over food. It was easy to be with each other.

After eating and cleaning up, Ludwig broke out the boxing gloves and pads. Then they began. Ludwig strapped the gloves onto Natalie before putting the pads on his own hands, holding them up. "Punch as hard as you can" he smiled as Natalie bit her lip and punched as hard as she could, watching Lud reposition his stance. He continued having her punch, giving her encouraging words and comments on her stance and angles.

This continued for an hour, Natalie out of breath and looked up at her lover "Okay, I need a break.." she panted as Ludwig chuckled softly "You did great, especially for your first time."

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