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Plotting can be a great tool when helping to prepare for your novel, but sometimes what a story truly needs is guts. That's right. Guts. Courage. Balls. Take risks, break rules, and try something new. It's great to know where your story is going and what to expect, but it's even better to follow your instincts and take chances. After all, no one ever became great by following all the rules.

Readers want new, exciting, and different... something they've never seen before. They want heart. They want soul. And the only one you have to give is yours, so put it all out there. People like strange and interesting. They admire those who take risks. When in doubt, try it out. You may surprise yourself and your readers.

If you're unsure about a certain plot point, follow your writer's instincts. Go bigger. Try taking the story in the complete opposite direction. Even if you don't end up using it, it's a great exercise to help understand your characters better.

Take the climax of your story and turn it on its head. Did you originally plan to have your hero come out on top? Then write the climax with the antagonist coming out on top. Explore different avenues. Take your character down different paths. Explore your story's theme in every way you can think to. Consider your story from other points of view. Kill someone off. Kill everyone off if you want. It's your story and you can do whatever the hell you want. That's what makes writing so great. The possibilities are unlimited. Take advantage of that.

When given a choice where to take your story, choose the one that seems the least predictable to shake things up. Change the gender of one of your main characters. Break stereotypes by giving a typical character an atypical characteristic. A faithful asshole. An honest lawyer. A greedy nun. Be creative.

Make your characters face their worst fears. Put them in constant danger. Leave them on the verge of insanity. The more conflict, the better. If it seems over the top, you can always tone it down later. Editing is your best friend. Use it.

As I stated earlier, none of this advice is set in stone. We like stories because they surprise us, they entertain us, they make us feel emotion. As long as you remember that first and foremost, the rest is gravy baby!

In the spirit of guts and creativity, here are some inspirational quotes:

In the spirit of guts and creativity, here are some inspirational quotes:

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