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Character Not Cooperating

This one is extremely common. I've heard authors say this on Wattpad more times than I can count. It always goes something like this...

'Sorry this chapter was so late. I had a direction I wanted to go but my characters just wouldn't cooperate. Hehe. They have minds of their owns.'

Uhhh... no. No, they don't.

This is your story. You are the author. You have all of the authority. Author-ity. It's time to stop blaming our characters and take back control of our stories.

The problem wasn't misbehaving characters... it was that the author didnt fully understand some aspect of their story before they started writing and are now paying for it.

Sure, this doesn't sound as cute as characters having their own minds, but it's the truth. And it's perfectly ok. Not only ok, but natural. We've all done it. It doesn't mean we're bad writers. It just means, we're writers. Period.

The only way to fix this is to go back and try to understand what it is that doesnt feel right. Is it a decision your character made? An event in the plot? Is it some aspect of your world-building? Only once you identify the problem can you attempt to fix it.

Once you do identify it, ask yourself why this isn't working. What about it feels wrong? Look at it from all of your different characters' perspectives and try to see it through each of their eyes. It is their world, after all. In doing this, the solution may become obvious. Brainstorm ways you can change this aspect to make it blend into your story and flow with your characters.

Option Paralysis

Sometimes going in with the mentality that your options are limitless can be overwhelming. If you are one of those writers who often struggles with option paralysis, then the easiest way to fix this is to give yourself boundaries.

For example, say your character is visiting China for the first time. Doing research can easily give you enough material to write an entire novel where the character simply explores this new land and learns about its people. How much of China should you show? What cultural elements should be noted in detail? To solve the problem of option paralysis, simply make a list of two or three places that caught your interest the most. Pick out details that are relevant and necessary to your plot.

Setting limits in this way allows you to narrow your focus, saving you time and giving you a sense of direction. Ask yourself, What does the reader really need to see and know about this place, scenario, person, etc. What details will best show this? Limit yourself from there.

Paralysis Through Analysis

Over analyzing your story can halt you in your tracks. If you find yourself constantly rereading, editing, and nitpicking as you write, you'll find yourself struggling to finish. Force yourself to finish each chapter or scene before you go back and reread it. There are programs that hide your text. Use those. Start a new document each time so you aren't tempted to peek back at what you just wrote and change things. Getting it down is most important. Editing is an entire process in itself and should be. Don't try to combine them into one.

Lack of Creativity

If your struggling to come up with some specific aspect of your story, try using your dictionary to get the creative juices flowing. Pull it out and flip to a random page. Run your finger down the page until you come to the first noun. If you don't have a dictionary, you can search for a random noun generator on the internet. It will work the same. Use this noun to brainstorm and create a scenario or situation that solves your plot problem.

Start Your NovelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora