Our way back home.

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I woke up with exitement not only because me and mom are to go back to Italy, but dad stayed the night with us. I sat up on my bed, I was greeted by Snowflake as always by licking my face. I guess he's exited as I am. Snowflake lead me to the kitchen, I could already smell breakfast from my room. When I got there to see mom and dad by the kitchen counter." Morning mommy, morning daddy. I said." Morning baby." Arana said." Good morning little minx." Marcus said. Dad swooped me up into his arms.

Dad usally calls me minx, it's his way of saying that I'm his cute girl. Dad spins me around making me laugh. Dad placed me on my barstool by the kitchen counter. I think it's the first time dad actually joined us by the table. Mom and I were having our breakfast, it was kinda funny the fact that dad can't eat, dad  basically just sat there." So are you exited to go back to Italy dear?" Marcus ask. I shook like I was nuts. Mom and dad laughed." Oh daddy?" I ask." Yes my dear?" Marcus ask." Could I visit my friends before we go?" I ask." Of course my dear little one." Marcus said. I hugged him very tightly.

After we had breakfast, mom went to pack our things while dad and I went to Emily's place. I hopped into dad's car and put my seat belt on and we were off.

(3 minutes later.)

Once we got to Emily's place I hopped out while dad waited for me in the car, cause you know werewolves vampires, not really the best of friends really. anyways Emily was busy with her little garden." Hey Emily." I said." Oh little sweetie. Did forget something? Cause I'm sure it's not movie night." Emily said." Nope, I just came for a quick visit." I said." Oh where are you off to, may I ask?" Emily ask." Mom and I are going back to Italy." I answered." Oh that great to hear, I'm happy for you.  Though we'll diffently miss you." Emily said."I'll miss you guys too but I think I could visit." I said." Will your dad be Ok with that?" Emily ask. I nodded my head. Emily, Sam and I did our goodbyes." Say bye to the pack for me!" I called out." We'll do so!" Sam called back. I hopped into the passenger side of the car." Are you ready my child?" Marcus ask." Ready daddy." I replied. Dad gave gave a kiss on the forehead, which made me giggle. And so we were off to get mom and Snowflake.

(Time skip.)
We got back at Greenoacks. Mom was already waitung for us with our louggage and Snowflake in a big carry-on for pets. We loaded everything into the car I slid into the the back seat Snowflake was next to me in his carry on." Seat belts?" Marcus ask." On." I replied. Dad nodded after checking if mine is nicely tight and we were off, off to Italy.

As we were on our way to Seatle I could see the pack catching up with us, I open my window, as soon as I opened the window I heard them howling, I howled in return. When we passed La push, the howling quieted down. Dad looked at me through the mirror." Are you alright back there Shira?" Marcus ask. I nodded. Mom reached back and held my hand." You'll see them again sweetie." Arana said." Yeah." I said. I was existed to go to Italy to meet my family, but I was a bit sad to leave my friends.

(Seattle Airport)

I woke to see that we're already by the Airport, I stretched my body and yawned. Snowflake and the bags were already unpacked, mom came to my side of the car." Hey baby." Arana said." Hey mom." I said." Did you have a good nap?" Arana said. I nodded." Where's daddy?" I ask." He went ahead with the bags so that they can be loaded." Arana said." And Snowflake?" I ask." Your dad kept aside so that you can see before we board." Arana said." Cool." I said. We walked through the airport to meet up with dad which didn't take too long, cause half through the area where all the bags were be checked, I saw dad there and ran to him." Daddy!" I said. "There's my beautiful girls." Marcus said. Dad picked me up and gave me a kiss on the cheek." Did you rest well?" Marcus ask." Yes daddy." I said." Good." Marcus said. Dad placed me back on feet and I went to check on Snowflake, he definitely looked scared. "It's ok Smowflacke, it's a quick flight." I said to Smowflacke. He was really getting restless, I gave a quick scratch, cause the people who are supposed to take him so that he can be loaded on the plane." I hope they take good care of him." I said." He will be fine my dear." Marcus said. I waved at Snowflake." See you in Italy." I said." Come on dear let's buy some snacks for you and your mother." Marcus said. "Ok." I said. Dad place on to his shoulders and mom smiled at us." You ok sweetie?" Arana ask. I nodded.

We got to one the little shop mom and I got Mcdonald takeaways, we also got icecream..well..mom and me.

Then we went to a snack shop dad was being sneaky and got me my favourite chocolate bar Chrunchie mom jokingly gave dad a very soft smack on the cheek for being sneaky behind her back with me." Was your dad being sneaky?" Arana ask. I look at dad and he shook his head, I copied him. Mom imiditly caught on." Stop teaching to be naughty." Arana said. We laughed together.

Dad looked at the clock." It's it for us to go." Marcus said. " YAY!" I squeled. Mom and dad laughed. I held on to dad's hand."now don't let go of my hand. Alright Shira?" Marcus said." Ok  daddy." I said.

As we were walking past the gate, I confused." Daddy aren't we suppose to go there?" I ask." Oh no my dear we have our own plane." Marcus said. I looked at him surprised. A guy with a intresting car.

As we're driving to our plane, I noticed that it a private plane

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As we're driving to our plane, I noticed that it a private plane. I looked at dad still surprised, dad just chuckled.

After we got to the plane, could hear Snowflake I hoped off the car before it really stop

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After we got to the plane, could hear Snowflake I hoped off the car before it really stop. When I turned around to see dad's face buried in him palm, I got dad worried. Mom just giggle while I looked at dad." Daddy?" I ask. Dad already knew what I was going to ask." Yes you can go check on Snowflake." Marcus said. I ran into the plane to see Snowflake in his carry on." Hey boy. You doing ok?" I said to Snowflake. He seemed very happy to see me again. I turned to see mom, dad and the pilot with the last bags." We're good for take off sir." The pilot said." Good." Marcus said. I went and hoped onto dad's lap."hey daddy." I said." Hello my little one. How's Snowflake?" Marcus said." He's good." I said." That's good." Marcus said.

I could feel the plane lift off from the ground, and we were in the air, it was amazing to look out of the window.

After twenty minutes of flying, mom and I had our takeaways as dinner. After we finished eating, I layed on dad's lap and layed my head on his chest, I could feel dad's arms around me." Goodnight dad." I mumbled." Good night dear." Marcus said.

Athour's note:
Hey guys. Sorry about the late updates, I've been a busy girl, and had sure the writing is good. But I'm finally got back to writing so yay, thanks for sticking around love you guys and have a good day.

Shira Maya Volturi. Daughter of Marcus VolturiWhere stories live. Discover now