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Carlisle pov.
I was just at Greenoacks's kinder garden to do some check ups on the children. Was finished with the last one of the group till I heard a little girl named Marana call out." Hey look new people!" Marana said. Look at people Marana was talking about, I was surprised to see who it was. It was Marcus and Arana. I noticed that Arana was holding something in her arms, a bundle of blanket? I went up to them, Arana went into a house.

 I noticed that Arana was holding something in her arms, a bundle of blanket? I went up to them, Arana went into a house

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Marcus was now the one to hold the bundle of blanket." Marcus?" I said." Hello Carlisle." Marcus said." What brings you here of all places?" Carlisle ask." Oh I just both my girls to be safe." Marcus said. I looked confused at him." Girls?" Carlisle asks." Yes. Arana blessed me with a child." Marcus said. He opened the bundle of blanket that definately keep a young child warm, for all here in Forks. I looked into the blanket to see a adorable little baby.

 I looked into the blanket to see a adorable little baby

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"Oh my Marcus, she's beautiful." Carlisle said. I saw Marcus smile, which I haven't seen for a long time." So what is the little one's name?" Carlisle asks." Her name is Shira Maya Volturi." Marcus said." They suite her very well." Carlisle said. I see Arana walk out of the lovely cabin, she's definatily still human. But to that servived giving birth to the child was even more surprising. Well she's a strong women, ever since she was a child. Shira had her parents looks. I made eye contact with the child, I saw that she had amazing eyes purple sapphire." May I hold her for a short while?" Carlisle asks." Of course Carlisle." Arana said. Marcus handed me the child, it took a while for her to get used to me. One could say she was really close to her parents. As I was having a look at her I noticed something, to my surprise it was the Volturi mark on her neck." Is this a birthmark?" Carlisle asks. Both Aranai and Marcus nodded." Amazing." She let the sweetest laugh I've eve heard. But then she started to cry, both Marcus and Arana smiled at each other because they know it mean." She's hungry again." Arana said." So she can eat human food?" Carlisle asks." Yes she can. And if her vampire side starts, I would like you to teach her to feed on animal blood." Marcus said. I nodded my head because it would be an honour." This something new to us, we're already looking into a few legends of half human and half vampires. It seems we would to go to Brizel, there might be some tribes that would know about this." Marcus said." I could help from my end while you're busy research." Carlisle said." Thank you Carlisle." Arana said. I nod my head Arana as they went into the house.
(Cullen house.)
Esme pov.
I hear my husband's car pull in. When I turned around to greet him, he had a intresting smile on his face." Hello my dear." Esme said." Hello dear." Carlisle said." So what got you so happy?" Esme asks." You're never going to believe who I saw in Greenoaks." Carlisle said. I tilted my head." Who? Esme asks." Marcus and Arana." Carlisle said. My eyes widened to hear that Marcus and Arana is in Forks." So what brought them here?" Esme asks." Arana and their little one are going to be living here for a while." Carlisle said. I got even more surprised to hear that they have a child." They have a child?" Esme asks. Carlisle nodded his head." And Marcus asked if we could teach her to feed on animal blood, while Arana and the child is living here." Carlisle said. I got really excited to meet this little one." And I'll be giving Marcus updates of the child's growth." Carlisle said." The child's growth?" Esme asks." Mhm. The she may look a month old, but she was born yesterday." Carlisle said. Intresting to hear that news, a baby that grows fast." What's the child's name?" Esme asks." Her name is Shira." Carlisle said. That a beautiful name.
Shira pov.
I was sitting on the floor of my baby room, it was very beautiful.

I was watching my mommy as she was putting things in place, I wanted to be by my mommy so I stood up on my feet

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I was watching my mommy as she was putting things in place, I wanted to be by my mommy so I stood up on my feet. I must say it was hard to stand, I took one step forward I almost fell over, so I took my steps slowly till I got to my mommy's feet.
Mom was very surprised to see me by her feet." My baby girl. Did you just take your first steps? Arana asks. I giggled to say yes cause I still can't speak, and that'll be soon. I can feel it.

Arana pov.
I was busy with Shira's crib so that when I finished feeding her, she can go to bed. I suddenly felt something pulling on to my jeans, when I looked down to my surprise I saw Shira by my feet, and she was standing on her own feet." My baby girl. Did you just take your first steps?" Arana asks. She giggled to my question which I knew that ment yes." Marcus so have to see this." I thought to myself so I picked Shira and took to the living room where Marcus was waiting.

Shira pov.
Mommy picked me up from the floor and we went to the living room."Marcus love you have to see this." Arana said. Dad looked at us." What is it my dear?" Marcus asks. Mommy placed me onto the floor." Go on sweetie, go to daddy." Arana said. I looked at my daddy, I want to be by daddy so I stood on to my feet. I had better balance so I started to walk to my daddy. The look on daddy's face was the same as mommy." My our daughter is walking for the first time." Marcus said. I started to lose my balance, my legs turned into noddles. I tried to get my balance back but was I failing. I fell on to my bum, I felt tears steaming down my face." Oh no no no, it's alright my little on. We all have had our moment at our first time of walking, don't worry you'll get a hold of it some day my dear." Marcus said. Daddy picked me up and placed me on his lap, he gave me a kiss on the head. I snuggle into daddy's chest. I saw mommy bringing my baby food. She sat next to me and daddy, we were doing the cho cho train, I enjoying my food because of the game we played. I claped my hands and laughed, daddy chuckled. After I was finished my food I let out a yawn." Bed time for you little one." Marcus said. I curled into a little ball in daddy's arms. When we got to my room, daddy had the honour of dressing me for bed, he layed me on to the baby table. I did give a hard time I'm not going to lie. When daddy got me into my onesies, he unfolded a ball socks and it fell into two pieces, I was amazed by this wierd thing daddy had one pies of the thing I took the other piece." Can I eat this?" I thought to myself. I put the wierd thing into my mouth, I tried to chou it but it didn't do what I wanted it to do. Daddy tried not to laugh but it happened." My child that's called a sock, it go on your foot not in your mouth." Marcus said. Daddy tried to pull the sock out of my mouth, but I had a good grip on it. You can say daddy and I had a game of tog of war, I won daddy just shock his head." You're so adorable. Know that?" Marcus said. After daddy put my socks on he picked me up and throws me in the air and catches me. We kept playing this new game. After we played I became really sleepy, so daddy puts me in my crib." Goodnight my sweet child." Marcus said. Daddy gave me a kiss on the head then I fell asleep.

Arana pov.
I watched as Marcus placed a Shira to bed, it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. Marcus came out of Shira's room and he wrapped his hands around my waist, which made me giggle a bit." She's so adorable." Arana said." She is, I never thought I'd ever have a child to call my own, and for I must thank you my dear, you gave me the chance to be a father." Marcus said. I huged him tightly." I'm glad I could do that for you." Arana said. We were in this position for a while till we saw the time on the clock. It was 12 pm the time Marcus should go to the airport. I heard Marcus sigh I placed my head against his chest." Well my dear I must be off now. Marcus said." Yeah." Arna said." I'll be visiting soon, I promise. Marcus said." I know you, and don't be in a hurry." Arana said. He gave me a goodbye kiss on the lips. I watched as he drove out of the driveway, I was a bit sad to see him leave. But he'll come visit so I went back inside and got to bed. It was rather lonely, but I fell asleep any ways.

Shira Maya Volturi. Daughter of Marcus VolturiWhere stories live. Discover now