Hunting Victoria

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Shira pov.
I woke in my bed hugging my Dolphin, then I rolled over and looked at my bedside table to a flower. A purple orchid my favourite, and I knew one person who always placed it, my dad, I smiled at the fact that dad knows my favourites, like my dolphin for instance.

I went to the kitchen greeted my mom and had breakfast with her after eating, I heard Sam call out to me and I knew it's hunting time." Bye mom see you soon." I said." Bye sweetie have fun." Arana said." I will." I said. I ran and jump onto Sam and we laughed." So what are you hunting?" I ask." We will be hunting another vampire, a redhead women." Sam said." Another vampire crossed our land?" I ask." Yip." Sam said. So we went off in our wolf forms. It was always funny to me because apart from the guys I could just canter while they gallop, thanks to my vampire side.

As we're looking for this vampire, with me leading the way, cause again my vampire side makes me a stronger tracker. I could smell three humans and Harry Clearwater. The humans were hunting us, Harry made sure our tracks weren't seen.

Suddenly the vampire's scent hit me like an arrow, I made a sharp turn thanks to my long tale that helps, I see the redhead, she got Harry by the throat. I made way with vampire speed and knock her off Harry, we both hit the ground at the bottom the hill. We got on to our feet quickly facing each other.

Victoria pov.
I was surprised at what hit me, I didn't smell or hear this wolf, in fact, it doesn't smell like the other wolves, this one has a scent of a...vampire and human? And it's fangs looked terrifying so I made sure I get a fair distance from the wolf, but it was right behind me, also using vampire speed, at this point, I wouldn't be afraid to admit I was afraid of it catching me.

As that thought crossed me I felt a pull on my favourite jacket, I looked back to see the same wolf with its teeth in my jacket, with the other wolves not too far. I could hear my jacket starting to rip, I sighed sadly at the thought of the sacrifice, I let the jacket rip as I jumped off the cliff into the osean.

Shira pov.
I had the redhead vampire by her jacket till it ripped and we lost her to the osean. I suddenly felt Jacob bump into me nearly knocking me into the osean." Hey!" I said." What?" Jacob said." You nearly knocked me into the water!" I said. "So? You can swim." Jacob said. I playful bit him on the ear, and he let out a yelp and I laughed. As we were on our way back to the the pack, a familiar scent hit which made me drop my head." What is it, what do you smell?" Jacob asks. "Bella." I said with a lambed voice." Where is she?" Jacob asks." At the cliff where we cliff dive." I said. Jacob did the same as me by dropping his head." Really?" Jacob said." Yyyyip." I said.

So we ran over to the cliff where Bella was, I used my eye which can see farther then a vampire or werewolf. I could see her take her jacket off and I knew she was going to jump, I sped up faster but I was too late, she already jumped in, but I followed her. I jumped into the osean.

Marcus pov.
I was on the road to Forks to see my two ladies and the good news, just as I glanced out of my window at the cliff top of La Push, and I see Shira running on the edge of the cliff with another werewolf." I thought I told that child no more cliff dive." I thought to myself.

Then the last thing I wantedto see she does is jump into the water, the waves didn't look safe for her, so I pulled the car off the road to see is alright. It's been two minutes and she hasn't reserf, my panic started to build up again. I've been alive for three thousand years, and lived in depression ever since Didyme, till Arana and Shira came into my life, I feel more alive than I ever have, they are my family, and I don't plan on losing anyone of them, especially the chance of being a father. So I got ready to go after.

Just as I was about to jump into the water Shira reserfest, I sighed in relief, as I looked again, I noticed something, a human on Shira's back." Why did she save a human?" I thought to myself. That didn't matter, what mattered was my daughter being safe, I'll ask her about this human. So I got back in my car and drove on to Greenoaks.

Shira pov.
After I got Bella out of the water, Jacob came to take her off my back when I layed down I watched as he was giving CPR.

A few minutes later Bella finally came to, and she looked up at us after caughing water out." You ok Bella?" I ask." Y-yeah I'm fine." Bella said." What the hell do you think you were doing?" Jacob ask." I just wanted to try something." Bella said." You picked the worst time to cliff dive Bella." I said. Bella nodded. "If you wanted to do cliff dives, you should have asked us." I said. "Yeah." Bella said. When I looked up to see Sam." We need to regroup at Harry's place." Sam said.

Sam whistled for me to follow him and so I did. I followed Sam into the forest." Shira you can head on home." Sam said." You sure Sam?" I ask." Yeah, plus it seems it's going to rain, so off you go pup." Sam said. I stuck my tongue out at Sam for calling me pup, it's Sam's joke cause I'm the youngest in the pack. I ran back home, when I got there, I saw dad outside so I slowed down to a trot." Hey daddy." I said." Hello my dear." Marcus said. My fur was still soggy, so I felt like shaking the wetness off, I might have forgotten that dad was there... lie I totally forgot dad was there. So I shoke my fur dry, the water that I shoke went every where, what made things funny was when I was done drying off, I opened my eyes to find dad's slightly wet, I tried to hold a smile, but I just couldn't help it." Sorry dad didn't see you there." I said." Rrriight, you didn't see me you little minx." Marcus said. I just started laughing to the point I had to site." Alright you, off you go and dress warm. Cause you smell like wet dog." Marcus said." But dad... I am a wet dog." I said. Dad laughed at my joke. I went in the house in my human form, went to the bath room and cleaned up. I got dressed into my sleeping clothes I went to the living room. I jumped on to dad's lap." Better?" I ask." Better. And I have something to tell you." Marcus said." What is it daddy?" I ask." It's time for you and your mother to come home, to Italy." Marcus said. I gasped and bounced with existment." YAY!" I cheered Dad chuckled watching me being existed." Right then little thing, eat your dinner, then we'll put you to bed." Marcus said." Ok daddy." I said cheerfully. I eat my dinner with my mom while we watched a movie, after I finished my meal, I already started to yawn." Alright dear time bed." Marcus said." Pigie back!" I said stretching my arms out." Alright, hop on you." Marcus chuckles. I hoped onto dad's back." Onwards!" I said. Mom giggled as dad just shoke his head.

Once we got to my room dad dropped me on my bed making me giggle, I pulled dad back down causing him to fall onto my bed, I flopped onto dad's stomach, which I relized that a mistake, cause dad started tickling me, I tried to escape but failed, soon mom joined in and we had our usual family fun. After we played, I was very tired, so I layed my head on dad's chest." Goodnight mom, goodnight dad." I said." Goodnight dear." Marcus and Arana said. Dad kissed my forehead goodnight and I closed my eyes, and... fell asleep.

Aouthor's note.
Hey everybody, I just want to thank all of you for reading my story, it means a lot to me, I'd like to thank you guys for sticking with me through this. Love you all and have a good day 😊


Shira Maya Volturi. Daughter of Marcus VolturiWhere stories live. Discover now