Flight to Seattle

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Shira POV.
I got out of bed and got jumped on. By none other than Snowflake. Snowflake was licking my face."Ok ok I'm up, I'm up!"I said. I would never need a alarm clock. Snowflake always does this thing.
I hoped out of bed and put on my kitten face slippers.

I went downstairs with Snowflake on my heels. We made it to the kitchen. And already mom made breakfast.
"Good morning sweaty." Mom said. I hugged mom and said good morning. Dad came into the kitchen after me."Is our little princess awake?"Dad asked. I giggled and ran to him. Dad picked me up and spung me around."Yes dad I'm awake."I said wrapping my arms around dad's neck. "Are you ready for travelling?"dad asked. I nodded my head yes. Dad placed me into one of the barstools at the kitchen counter. Mom placed a plate of pancakes in in front of me. I ate my pancakes and drank my glass of milk."done." I said and hoped off of the stool. My aunts came down with their luggages. I remembered that the aunts were going to join us. Just to get out of the castle for a bit."Hey aunties."I said. Both of my aunts looked at my and smiled. Auntie Sulpica was the first to speak."Good morning little one. Are you excited to meet your grandparents?"Auntie Sulpica said. I nodded as she gave me a good morning hug."Well you'll love them. There wonderful people. And you'll enjoy their farm. They have many interesting creatures."Auntie Sulpica said. I couldn't wait. Mom and dad told me the reason why I've never met, my grandparents. Because of my fast growth. The story is that I'm dad's goddaughter. And mom's my godmother. I don't like that.
But dad says the story doesn't make not his little angel.

After I finished my breakfast. I went upstairs to get a few last thing that I need. Like my phone, my laptop, some books especially my favourite."Red riding hood." And Snowflake's treats  (I know what some of you might say. "You're too young to have those things." But I promise you that my parents know what they're doing. Plus you're not the one that's growing everyday  like me. So it's more for homeschooling purpose. Phone's for texting purpose. But I do watch YouTube and play games. So don't judge. In fact. As I'm telling you the story of my life I'm 12 years old. And I am fully grown now. So don't make me hunt you down and drink your blood...Although that'll just get me grounded..I'll find a way.........Anyways.)

I placed my carryons into my bag. And hooked Snowflake's lish onto his coler. My luggage was already downstairs and in dad's car. And Snowflake's carryon is already in Felix's Jeep.
I headed downstairs. As I got there. My uncles are already there to say goodbye."There's our little one." Uncle Aro said with a smile. I made Snowflake site  so that he doesn't jump on anyone. I headed over to my uncles and gave each of them a hug. They returned the hugs. I've always greeted my uncles like this. So they're used to it.( Even when I sometimes forget to hug greet them. They say something like."Where's the hugs?")

"So are you existed to meet your grandparents?" Uncle Caius asked. I nodded my head as a yes."Well you love them. They're wonderful people."Uncle Aro said. Mom and dad came downstairs with their carryons.
We headed for the goradge. Jane and the others were also going to seattle, but not with us. They're going to see about this problem that's happening in Seattle. People are going missing. But Jane and the others are getting on the plane with us. But when we land we'll split. The guys got into Felix's black Jeep. Jane in her and Alec's shared car a white Toyota.
I hoped into the back seat of dad's Mercedes. I clicked in my safety-belt. Mom and dad got in the front seats. They looked back at me."Are you ready dear?"Dad asked. I nodded my happily. My parents smiles and we were off through the town and onto the highway. It took a while for us to get to airport. But we made it.(I  usally don't  know much around these times. Because I am almost like half asleep when we drive anywhere.)
Dad parked the car in the parking lot with the others. Felix unloaded Snowflake. I checked on Snowflake and he was fine. But he was trying to get out by scratching the off. Boy was that noisy.

"It's ok Snowflake. Everything's ok. Just one more trip and you'll be out of there." I told him while scratching his snout. The person who's taking Snowflake and the luggages took him. I could hear Snowflake whimpering. I into the dad's car again, and dad drove us to the jet with Felix and the others following us. The vicheal with luggages and Snowflake was on our tail....sort of....boy it's slow. No wonder the humans who flies publicly have to wait hours for their flight.
As we got to the jet and loaded our carry-ons on the jet. Snowflake and the luggages got there as soon as we finished. I ran over to the vicheal to cheer Snowflake up by scratching his snout again.

"Alright everything is loaded on. Now it's time for you and Snowflake to be loaded as well."Dad said. Dad playfully grabbed me and throw me over his shoulder like a potato sake. Mom and the others laughed as dad caried me into the jet. I could hear Snowflake barking. Wanting to play too.
Once we were inside, dad plopped on the leather sofa like seat on the side of the jet."There you go little minx."Dad said. Dad sat next to me. I tried to attack dad. But to no success. Dad pind me down while mom and others got in. Dad pind me on my back on his lap. I knew what was coming next. I tried to protect myself. But it didn't work."Where do you think you're going hm? I'm not done with you."Dad said. Dad started tickling me all over."Ah! Stop daddy no! Help!"I laughed. Mom and the others just and laughed."I think I'm a little thirsty."Dad said. I tried to get loose. But that didn't help. Dad pretended to bit and drink my blood. This continued about 15 minutes. After that dad slow to stop. I pretended to play dead which made dad laugh. Mom joined us. Playing like this made me tired. Dad brushed my hair out of my face and placed my legs on her lap. So both of my parents turned into my bed. I yawned loudly."Just close your eyes and go to sleep sweetie."Mom said. Mom layed her head on dad's shoulder. My eyes felt heavy. Dad stroked my head gently. Slowly fell asleep.

(Hi guys. I just want let u guys know. I have a backup account for incase this one disappear. But don't worry. I'll still be continue here.

But my backup account is ShiraVolturi2002)

Shira Maya Volturi. Daughter of Marcus VolturiWhere stories live. Discover now