Saving Bella... again.

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Shira pov.
It was another day just like the others, another hunting day, I joined up with the pack, we're on our way to Jacob's house, he's still getting used to being a werewolf.

Once we got there Sam called out to Jacob, we were in our human form, to my surprise Bella was the one that out, but she was storming towards us, she looked pretty mad." What did you do!?" Bella said. Now knowing Paul.. he's pretty short tempor so Sam push me a little bit, so that I'm not in the way." What did you do!?" Bella said pushing Paul." Well this is going to get messy." I told myself.

Suddenly I see Bella slap Paul in the face and Paul turned into his wolf form." Well, here we go." I thought to myself. I looked at Sam who gave me the go ahead signal, so I took my wolf form and waited for Sam to tell what to do next.

Then I saw Jacob jump out of his room's window and run to Bella, Sam told me to follow her cause she won't get far on her legs and the fact she's a bit small. So I followed her Jacob past me and I turned around to face Paul, I made sure that Bella was behind me.

Bella pov.
After I slapped one of the guys in the face, he turned into a large wolf, Sam nodded at the little girl that was with them, I've diffently seen her with at La Push.

The girl nodded back then she also turned into a wolf, I suddenly reconised her black white wolf, she was there, she there when Sam took me back home, she was there when they killed Laurent. She ran after me, but she followed me to protect me from Paul.

Shira pov.
Me, Bella and the others watched as Jacob and Paul fought each other. As they were fighting, Jacob was pushing Paul into the forest, Sam told the two boys to take Bella to Emily's place, as for me Sam told me to go with him which I agreed to do, cause it's going to take more than one to stop those two. So we went off, it wasn't hard to find them, cause they're bit of idiots when it comes to being quiet. We followed them as they were going deeper and deeper into the forest, we went after them, Sam and the boys passed by dad, I stopped in my tracks which caused me to slide a bit on my butt, which hurt a bit.

After I recovered, I place on my dad's chest cause I can't really hug, but he knew what it meant, and had our greetings and I told him that I'll see him at home, and took of after Sam and the guys.

Marcus pov.
On my usual root to Greenock till suddenly two lager bodies of werewolves fighting each other passe by me, and two black werewolves following, one beautiful one stopped in front of me, I knew that was Shira. She placed her head against my chest, I knew it was a hug, so I scratched her head and under her chin." Hey daddy." Shira said." Hello my little one. So what is going on with those two?" I said." Oh they're having bit of a disagreement." Shirak said." I see." I said. We suddenly heard a yelp, wich really sounded like it hurt." Well, I better get going, before those two kill each other." Shira said." That's a good idea." I said. We had a quick laugh and we said our goodbyes, and I continued my way to the house.

Shira pov.
I soon enough caught up with Sam, Paul and Jacob, Sam pulled Jacob away from Paul as I'm pulling Paul away.

After they calmed down, we head back to Emily's with Paul bumping into me and bump him back, once we got back, we turn back to our human forms and went in." Hey Emily." I said." Hey cutie. Want a muffin?" Emily said." Yeah sure." I said." Ok help yourself, and here's some for your mom." Emily said." Thanks Emily" I said. She nodded at me, I took the lunchbox before I forget, I had my muffin. I watched as the boys rough housing each other, Emily shook her head which made me laugh cause I knew what it meant.

As the sun was setting and Jacob and Bella went to walk on the beach." Ok kido, let's get you home." Sam said." Ok." I said. I hugged Emily goodbye and the boys, Paul sneaked a noggy, when I escaped from Paul's arms, Sam and I got in his truck and drove off to get me home. After Sam dropped me off at my house, we said our goodbyes and I went in to find mom and dad waiting for me as usual." Hey mommy, hey daddy." I said." Hey sweetie, how was hunting?" Arana said." Well it wasn't really much of a hunt, but just keeping Jacob and Paul from killing each other." I said." Oh, how did that happen?" Marcus asks." Well Paul can be pretty short temper, and he lost it cause a girl slapped him." I said. Mom almost laugh.

" Why did she slap him?" Marcus asks." Well for some reason she thinks we had something to do with Jacob, now being a werewolf." I said." What's the girl name?" Arana asks." Bella Swan." I said." Ah, now I remember. Yip she's a odd one." Arana said." Do you know her mommy?" I ask." Oh yeah, I was in the same high school as she was, gauss she started making friends." Arana said." What do you mean by that, my dear?" Marcus asks." She's not really the type to talk a lot. Well to me she looked like that, I was a senior back then." Arana said."Ah, I see." Marcus said. I let rather a big yawn out. "Well someone's tiered." Marcus chuckles. I smiled at dad and climbed onto his lap." Well baby, let's feed you, and daddy can tuck you in." Arana said." YAY DADDY'S GOING TUCK ME IN!" I cheered and jumped up and down on dad's lap. Mom and dad just laughed at my cheerfulness. When mom brought my dinner."Slow down child, before you hurt yourself." Marcus chuckles. I was kinda eating my food fast, till dad slowed me, giggled.

After I finished my meal, I got on to dad's back for a piggyback we went to my room, I got dressed in my sleeping clothes. After I got dressed, I pulled on dad's sleave.' Daddy?" I ask." What is it my dear?" Marcus asks." Can daddy read me a bed time story?" I ask.

"Why of course my dear. What story do you want me to read for you?" Marcus said. I jumped up and down with excitement and ran to one of the shelves that held children's books. I took one book that a read cover." I want you to read me this book daddy." I said. I handed the book dad just smiled at me." Little red ridding hood. I would've been surprised if pick a different book, since this one is your favourite." Marcus said. I jumped up and down with joy dad puts his hand on my head to see if he make me stop bouncing, so I stopped and ran to my bed, I jumped onto my bed only my upper half there, my legs dangling, so I decided to kick my legs, but it didn't work, I bet it looked silly from my dad's end cause I could hear him chuckling." Let me help you, you little thing." Marcus said. I felt dad give me a little push to get me on the bed. I grabbed my favourite stuffed animal, which is a dolphin which dad bought for at one Forks's festivals, which dad could join us.

 I grabbed my favourite stuffed animal, which is a dolphin which dad bought for at one Forks's festivals, which dad could join us

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When I layed on my bed with the blanket open, waiting for dad to tuck me in hugging my dolphin. Dad shoke his heads with a soft laugh, a tucked me in nicely and sat next to me. I Snuggled into my dad's side and curled into a ball, felt his arm wrap around me as I snuggled deeper into him, then he started to read.

"Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Red riding hood, who would go visit her unwell grandmother in the forest, she would take her grandmother some food and something to drink. Her mother always told her, not to talk to strangers and come straight home, her grandmother made a red cloak with a hood. The reason for her name Red riding hood" Marcus said.

As dad reads the book to me my vision started to get blury, and I couldn't hear dad clearly. I think the story was finished, cause suddenly I felt dad kiss my forehead." Goodnight my sweet little girl." Marcus said. I want to say goodnight, but all I do was moan in response, I held tight on dad's suite and fell asleep.

Shira Maya Volturi. Daughter of Marcus VolturiWhere stories live. Discover now