Hunting with the wolf pack.

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(Author's note. Thanks guys for reading my story, I  mostly made this story of respect for Marcus, cause he really needs some love in life.

(Time skip.)
4 Weeks later.

Carlisle pov.
It been four weeks know that I've been doing some check ups on Shira, everything seems that to be normal. The one thing that amazes me is her growth, she looks bigger every time I see her and her senses are really strong, she can see and smell farther then your average vampire. She might be as strong of a tracker as Dimitri, or maybe even stronger. Anyways when I got to Greenoacks do my usual check ups on Shira. When I got Shira now looked like she was six now, but nothing can take her adorableness.

 When I got Shira now looked like she was six now, but nothing can take her adorableness

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And what she was wearing had her look even more adorable.

You could say she has every bit of her parents, she had Marcus's look and Arana's eyes, she was just perfect for them

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You could say she has every bit of her parents, she had Marcus's look and Arana's eyes, she was just perfect for them." Hello Carlisle." Shira said." Hello my dear. How are you?" Carlisle said." I'm good. And you?" Shira said." I'm good as well. Are you ready for your check ups?" Carlisle said. Shira nods, she's a true Volturi, no fear at all. I took some blood from her just to see if everything's still normal, it was interesting she can't sparkle, but when I draw blood from her it can sparkle. After we finished with the check ups, Sam and his pack appeard."Shira, come on girl! Sam said." Coming!" Shira said. She seemed existed about something." Well see you later Carlisle." Shira said." Yes, see you later." Carlisle said. As watched as Shira went with Sam and his pack, I saw her shapshift into a werewolf like the pack, though she didn't look like them. She was a bit thiner than them. But she was one beautiful wolf.

 But she was one beautiful wolf

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Shira Maya Volturi. Daughter of Marcus VolturiWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt