Time to meet the grandparents.

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It was another great morning. I mean it's great to be in Volttera. Mom and dad inrolled me in a nice homeschooling programme online. (Yes we have WiFi. We're not savegs. Even though others would different.) And I have many activities for me. Like some opticals for me and my cat form. I even have my own scratching post. My most favourite activitie would be one where they put different objects in the hallways that I shouldn't knock over. But I have a to get through or over them.

Today I was in kittens form. So Auntie Athenadora and I was playing with my favourite toy. It's the cat toy that's a stick with a toy hanging from it.
We were playing by the staircase that would lead to the throne room.
I asked auntie Athenadora to make it go higher. And she did...a little bit too high this time. I jumped so high that I ended up flying down the stairs. Auntie Athenadora gasped in horror.

But I was fine. I was getting a soft landing. Dad was on his way up.
(Thank goodness. Cause that would've hurt.) "Woah hello there!" Dad said as he catched me. I meowed in response loudly. "Hi daddy." I said. I purred and kneaded his arm as he held. Dad scratched my back gently. "So, tell me. Why's my little minx flying down the stairs?" Dad asked. I giggled and looked up at auntie Athenadora. She looked quite releaved to see that dad caught me.

Dad walked with me upstairs.
"Are you alright little Shira?" Auntie Athenadora asked. I nodded.
"Yip daddy broke my fall." I giggled. Auntie Athenadora giggled. The moment was actually funny. We headed to the living room. I sat on dad's lap on the couch. I was kneaded dad's knees. "What's was dad up to?" I asked.
Dad was rubbing my left ear." Well my dear. There's not much we really do. Just keeping an eye on the vampire world and such." Dad said." And kill those who breaks the laws." Uncle Aro said. We looked up to see. Uncle Aro, auntie Sulpica, uncle Caius and Mom come into the living room. Mom joined us, uncle Aro and auntie Sulpica sat next to us. Uncle Caius sat with auntie Athenadora. He stool the remote from her before she could use it. It was a funny battle between theme. Uncle Caius won and turned on the news.
"Breaking news. Three college students has disappeared leaving no trass of them. And there's been 20 animal attacks in Seattle." The News brought caster said. Dad, uncle Aro and uncle Caius leaned forward to have a better look. "Isn't that where Grandma and Grandpa stay?" I asked. Dad placed his hand around my left arm and rubbed it.
"Yes my dear. But don't worry my little minx. Grandma and Grandad lives on the outskirts of Seattle. Manly because theyhave a petting zoo." Dad said. I perked up with existment because I love animals.

I was looking even more forward to visiting my grandparents!
Mom got up to go to the kitchen to start cooking."Right. Let's see what we're going to have for dinner." Mom said. I got up with mom."Macorone and cheese!" I cheered. Mom makes the best Macorone and cheese. Mom laughed."You do love your mother's cooking. Don't you?" Dad said. Dad pulled me back onto his lap and started tickiling me  and pretended to eat me. I tried getting away. But dad's got a good grip on me. I squeeled and laughed my head off. I tried to wiggle, I tried everything else. But it didn't work.
I got tired and stop trying to get free. Dad slowed down cause me being tired.
"I win." Dad said. I punched dad in the shoulder. But of course has no effect on him."Can we watch I a movie dad.?" I asked. At least the news programme was done. Dad nodded. Uncle Caius gave me the remote. I flipped from chanel to chanel, til I got one that looks interesting "Hotel Transelvana" Both dad, my uncle and my aunts looked interesting."Now what would this be about?" Dad asked with interest. Dad pulled me onto his lap and kissed me every where on my face and neck making me laugh. The movie started. It start with a vampire and a baby vampire. As the movie continues the look on dad's and my uncles's face was funny."What nonsense is this!?" Uncle Caius said. I just started laughing.  I was just waiting for one of them to react. Dad chuckled and ruffled my hair."Well at least that's what humans thinks of us. Just fiction. Then the humans don't believe our kind are real." Dad said. Uncle Aro nodded in agreement."Marcus is right about that brother. That means our kind is safe." Uncle Aro said. Uncle Caius tilted his head on a way to say fair point.

Dad taped my back gently." Alright minx it's time for dinner. Your mother is probably done." Dad said. He's said due to my stomach growling...wich everyone heard.(sounded like a angry bear who lost its fish.) I slided of dad's lap. I waited for him as he stood. I said goodnight to my uncles and aunts." Goodnight my dear Nisse. Sleep well." Uncle Aro said. I nodded. I grabbed hold on dad's hand and we went to the kitchen. Mom was busy was busy dishing for two of us.
We were having Lizana. Not the frozen kind. The straight from the chef's book kind. With some spinage that looked interesting."There you are." Mom said as she gave my plate. We sat at the kitchen counter.(We do have a dining room but..nobody really uses it.) food smelled delicious. I tried the spinage first. It had melted cheese in. It was really good and the Lizana. We did have servents to cook for us. But mom likes to cook.
Even though dad doesn't eat human food anymore, he joins us for dinner.
"Are you enjoying your food baby." Mom asked. I hummed to say yes. Mom and Dad....actually the whole family has been telling me not to talk with my mouth full. I sometimes forget. But at least the family reminds me in their own way. Like for example uncle Aro would gently help my lower jaw reconnect with my upper jaw. And uncle Caius would say "Mouth full." And I would remember. They say it's not proper to do that. After mom and I finished I yawned. I always yawn when I'm nicely stuffed."Are you tired baby?" Mom asked. Nodded and I got off the bar stool and grabbed hold of dad's hand again.

We were heading up stairs. We got to my room and Jane was there. I usally of a guard that patrols by my room. Then either one or two would be by my door while I sleep. It's a mix between the higher and lower guard. The same goes with my mom. In my parent's room. But there mostly there if dad's not with us.
It's Jane's turn tonight. It's always nice to feel save. All of guard are the best. With Jane. If anyone hurts me she'd return the favour.(Not that anyone would try.) With Felix people gives one look at him. They just run. Alec is the same as Jane kind of. But it's fun to see people panic when they lose their sense. And Dimitre just makes me feel like a princess. He always calls me princess and does a bow. And that's why I most of the time wear a dresses, so that I can also bow like a princess."Hi Jane." I said. Jane smiled and nodded." Are you going to be my guard tonight Jane?" I asked. Jane giggled."Yes dear. I'll be your guard tonight." Jane said. I smiled and giggled.

We went into my room. Mom sat left and Dad on right."Will daddy please read me bedtime to me please?" I asked politely.
Dad chuckled. Dad already had the book on his lap." Little Red Riding was picking lovely flowers for her grandmother. After Red picked some flowers. She got up ready to continue her jurney to her grandmother. But as she turn only to her path block by the Big Bad wolf." Dad read. I pretty much fell asleep at that point and rest were mumbles.

Arana's POV.
Marcus got up to the big bad wolf part of the story when we heard small fant little snores. It was adorable actually.
"Well that was very earlier than usual."Marcus chuckled. I laughed softly. I moved some Shira's soft hair out of her face. Both me and Marcus carefully moved off of Shira's bed, so that we can head our room. Wich was not far from her's.

Once we entered our room. We just layed in bed. Just relaxing."So how was the search?" I asked. Marcus just shook his head. I could see he's worried about her fast growing...we all are...I try not to think that we'll have only like two years with her and then she's....gone forever. I try to keep my hoping that won't happen.
"We believe that we have go to Brizle. We might find our answer..After we found our answer of our daughter, and if it's good news..I will turn you." Marcus side. My became even stronger about that. There was a bit of suggestions to Brizle.

Just thinking about that got me hopeful. And that caused me to become sleepy."I think it's time for you to sleep. Want me to read you a bedtime story?"Marcus said. I playfully  punched him while laughing. Marcus laughed with me."Hey I'm not a kid Marcus!" I yelled playfully. Marcus easily pined me to the bed."I know. Maybe just a cuddle. Hm?" Marcus said kissing my neck. We cuddled for a few minutes. I  finally fell asleep on  Marcus's chest.

Shira Maya Volturi. Daughter of Marcus VolturiWhere stories live. Discover now