(2) Chapter 7: We Await You

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Rei Ryuugazaki

Nagisa's close to climbing on my shoulders; he wants to see Haru and Rin so badly.

Their plane hasn't arrive yet, so I don't know why Nagisa's already so eager to see them.

"So how, again, did Haru get Rin to go with him?" I ask Gou. "Doesn't he have college stuff to do?"

Gou shrugs. "I don't know, but I think Rin wanted to go on a little vacation anyway."

"Or he just wanted to see us really badly," Nagisa adds.

I look at both of them. They seem really happy that Rin is joining Haru.

"It's a shame Makoto couldn't come to pick them up with us," I say after a while.

Makoto was way too busy with college... and there's his job of course. It's a busy man at the moment.

"Yeah," Nagisa whispers. "But he'll come by while Rin's still here. He promised it!"

I turn around to Nagisa. "When did he promise that?" Nagisa's never told me anything about Makoto making promises.

Nagisa starts to blush and his eyes shoot away.

He's either making it up or he's been having contact with Makoto in secret. Neither of both would surprise me.

Nagisa makes a sudden movement, shooting forward so quickly he almost pulls me over.

"Rin! Haru!" he yells.

When I've readjust my glasses, I see Rin and Haru getting closer. Rin's waving at us, while Haru's focused on getting himself past the crowd.

I look down at my hands. I'm still not holding up the "welcome home" banner. Which is a shame; we put so much time in making it.

I decide to hold it in the air, even though both Rin and Haru are already really close. Rin snickers when he sees it.

"Seriously?" Rin asks when they're close enough.

"Yes, we thought it would be appropriat," I say.

"And fun!" Nagisa adds.

I glance at Haru. There's a slight smile on his face, but when he catches me looking at him, his face goes blank again.

"So, how was Australia?" Nagisa asks on our way out.

Rin and Haru both answer by saying that it was fun. I believe them. I wanted to go as well, so did Nagisa and Gou. But school kept us from going.

"Any new teammates?" Haru asks after a while. I didn't expect that question to come from him, honestly.

Nagisa's the one to reply first. "Yes, three new teammates even!" He's been really enthusiastic over it since the moment they applied for the swim club.

Haru nods.

"Yeah, their names are Romio, Shizuru and Ayumu," I add. "Two boys, one girl."

Haru nods again. "Sounds fun."

Everyone goes silent for a second. I wonder if Nagisa and I are too exided about the new teammates, while Haru's seen his team split up. Nagisa and I, still in high-school. Makoto's not even swimming real contests anymore. And Haru got an in-between-year so he can enroll in a good college in Tokyo.

But when I look at Haru, I see a smile on his face. A genuine smile. He's actually happy for us.

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