(2) Chapter 5: Shining pool

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Haruka Nanase

Rin's little surprise wasn't really a surprise anymore. He has been talking about swimming and the swimming pool where he swims for the entire time.

Today we went there, like I suspected.

You would say that taking your paralyzed friend to a swimming pool wouldn't be the greatest surprise, but he really makes me happy doing this. This means he believes me when I say that I can actually swim again.

We go inside, where Rin's teammates are as well. They aren't with many, because it's weekend and there's no actual swim practice going on today. One of Rin's teammates looks up and greats us.

"Heya, mate!" he says to Rin. It's hard to undertand what the man is saying because of his Australian accent. I wonder how Rin does it.

"G'day," Rin replies, I didn't know he'd actually use the weird greetings on anyone other than me. I chuckle, Australia is a weird land.

"Who's your friend over there?" the Australian teammate asks.

"That's Haru," Rin answers, he looks at me and winks with a grin. "He's a swimmer too."

Rin's teammate glances at me and I already know what he's thinking. He doesn't believe that someone in a wheelchair can actually swim.

"Really?" he asks me.

I nod.

"That, I want to see," he says and he smiles at me. "If that's okay with you?"

Rin looks at me.

I nod. "I'm in for a race." I challenge him without a doubt, even though I'll probably lose anyway.

I wheel myself to the side of the swimmingpool and let myself slide onto the edge. I glance over at Rin's teammate, who's still a little confused.

I put on my goggles and I hear Rin saying, "If you don't race him, I will."

I hear a short "I can do it" coming from Rin's teammate and he steps on the starting block.

Rin yells, "Take your marks!"

I put my hands on the edge, making myself ready for the push-off.


And I go in.

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