(2) Chapter 2: Airport Trouble

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Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas everyone!
Because I'm feeling the Christmas spirit (and these are really short chapters, I'll be posting THREE chapters of part 2 today!!!

Love, Noa <3


Haruka Nanase

It's a pain to get into a plane with a wheelchair, especially when you're alone.

Fortunately I was allowed to board the plane a little earlier, but that didn't help much. When I got here about half an hour ago, there were many more people trying to get to their plane in time.

They all surrounded me, making it really hard to find where I must go. But after looking and searching for quite some time I found a lady who showed me where I should go. From that moment everything went quick.

I'm now sitting in the back of the airplane and we're getting ready to fly up.

I wonder how Rin's doing, we haven't talked a lot in the past few weeks because Rin was so busy practicing. I was busy most of the time as well, so I got home late most of the time.

I took a break off swim training, just to visit Rin in Australia.

The airplane moves upwards and I look out of the window. We slowly move through the clouds and it's quite beautiful.

At first I thought flying would be slightly terrifying, because you're so high. But the sky looks beautiful and there's nothing creepy about it.

Before I know it I fall asleep and I notice nothing of the long flight. 

Free! - Sink to the Bottomजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें