The goal was to find out who they were. What was their arcana and how they could be trained to be useful and better at it.

And because of that he was only interested in three people here.

Three people who he knew were hiding something more.



And finally though he was surprised he hadn't noticed it before... Cecil

There was something about their arcana. Something that seemed more dangerous than the others. It almost reminded him of the first time he had started experimenting with them.

The raw power of the free arcana was something that most of these kids hadn't seen.

But he had come face to face with that before. So had Mondo, Sumire, Irisu and Dante.

If any of the arcana were deemed a threat, they had to take measures swiftly.

Jolly looked up at Mondo who was observing the battle expressionlessly.

And that is why you really wanted this duello..........

Liberta leaped back a bit to dodge Debito's kick. He had never underestimated his prowess in close combat but he knew Debito's true strength was in his gun mastery.

I have to take away that advantage...... I have to win....

Liberta realised that his desire to win stemmed from a very childish reason.

To have one more chance to fight Morgan.

He wasn't going to fool himself thinking he could win. But just to have one more chance to go up against him. That was why he wanted to win.

Liberta gripped his sword tightly and rushed at Debito. At the last second he swerved to the side avoiding the incoming punch and grabbing his arm he used all his strength to fling him to the ground.

Debito fell face-down on the ground but with a quick twist got up again to see Liberta rushing back at him.

Liberta grabbed Debito by the waist and pushed him back down falling right on top of him.

"What the hell, kid?!"

Even Debito was surprised by this. Liberta's determination today was at a whole new level.

"I have to win!" Shouted Liberta aiming the sword at Debito's neck as he sat on top with his knees crushing Debito down.

Debito lowered his hands to his waist and froze.

"Looking for this?" Liberta held up a gun with a grin.

Liberta threw it to the side casually. The gun crashed into the sand. A few yards away another gun lay forlornly.


Debito paused. He had lost both his guns again. Just like that. Liberta's odd jerky movements now made sense to him. He was always after the guns.

"Surrender?" Asked Liberta without moving his sword.

Debito blinked at him in surprise.

"Moron!" Came a voice from far away and then immediately followed by another loud exclamation "Lost his guns twice in a day!"

Ugh! That Mikino is damn annoying!

"It's not over is it?" Said Debito with a grin before he vanished.

The human mind works in mysterious ways and for a split second it was that fact which caught Liberta off guard.

Even though he knew Debito was there. Even though he could literally feel his body under him. For that split second he couldn't see him and so in his mind Debito was truly invisible.

His hand holding the sword was suddenly wrenched to the side and a hard fist crashed into Liberta's face sending him flying away. Liberta quickly got back to his senses and lifted his sword but a strong blow to his arm made him lose his grip.

Liberta staggered back when he saw a thin bright red line in the air.

Got you!

He ran towards Debito who immediately turned visible and opened his arms to receive Liberta.


Liberta couldn't react in time and Debito grabbed him. With a quick twist Debito lifted up Liberta and flung him to the ground. Liberta had never thought Debito was so strong.

And then Liberta looked up and saw the cold muzzle of a gun pointed at him.

"Now it's over" Said Debito.

Liberta went through many plays in his head. But no matter what Debito was the one with the gun.

"I surrender" Said Liberta.

He didn't want to drag this any further. He was too tired to continue. Debito seemed a bit surprised but said nothing. He moved back as Liberta stood up.

Irisu looked at Jolly.

"It doesn't matter. He has already given up. " Said Jolly.

"Hm... Debito wins!" Irisu announced.

She had predicted that Debito would win but Liberta had shown some signs of life there. Technically he had won first by getting Debito within his grasp. If this had been real that would have been a kill.

But Debito's fighting spirit had broken through and won. And when faced with the same situation Liberta had given up.

Did one loss break your confidence so much, kiddo........

The New Arcana Famiglia  [A La Storia Della Arcana Famiglia fanfiction]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu