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ummmm this chapter is for yourgirl_joanna !!!  bc i made her wait so long after on accident )): i hope you enjoy!! 💜

Jack woke up to the sound of a glass crash and his dad yelling. he sighed getting out of bed to start his day. his phone still missing and he was stressed about it. he got out of his room and ran down stairs to see his little siblings picking up the glass they must have dropped.

"jack go and get milk from the store around the street yeah?" his dad asked handing him the card. jack smiled with a nod and ran back to his room.

he would finally be allowed to leave the house, why wouldnt he take up the deal? so jack quickly got ready and headed out to the grocery store. he groaned realizing he still hasn't found his phone so he couldn't listen to music.

he found his way into the store and collected what his dad needed and some things that they were missing in the house that they needed as well. once he checked out he thanked the people and left. he sighed as he walked out with two bags in his hands.

he started to walk back home humming along to any song that was stuck in his head. he walked past different streets until he was stopped by a voice, a sweet and gentle voice he missed.

"jacky!" the boy turned and saw Lydia with Millie. Jack greeted Millie and went down to Lydia level.

"hello princess! i haven't seen you in a while" he said and she nodded. he looked over at Millie only to see her glaring at him.

he gets up confused in the sudden expression she is giving. Lydia just starts playing attention to the butterfly that had landed on the bush next to them.

"um? are you okay?" Jack asked getting uncomfortable at the stare down he was getting from the girl in front of him. Millie scoffed at him shaking her head. though she wasn't the one to be mad but she still was at him.

"Finn told me you haven't texted or called him! he feels like shit" Millie said and Jack eyes widen. "oh so now you remember him? you off with someone else now?"

"no! oh god! i lost my phone so my dad grounded me and i've been stuck in my room. he only let me out of the house to get some things. i havent found my phone at all so i couldn't contact Finn and i dont know his number so i couldn't use the home phone" Jack explains and Millie expression softens.

"okay good because i know you arent someone to just do that to him. i couldnt keep this whole mad thing going any longer" Millie breathes out.

Jack sighs now worried Finn thinks he is ignoring him. which would never be the case cause Finn didn't do anything bad what so ever. Jack cant even go to Finns because he needs to be home any minute now and hes still grounded.

Millie sees the stress in the boys eyes and wishes she could help. Finn wasn't home now and it wasn't like she could go back and tell him. they didn't have any pens or pencils let alone paper to give Finns number to Jack. It isnt like Jack could remember Finns number either.

"i can update him when he gets home.." Millie said picking up Lydia and placing her on her hip. "im sorry Jack i wish i could do more."

"Its fine" Jack gave her a weak smile, "I have to head home now before my dad starts freaking out"

Millie nodded but stopped him to ask one more question getting it down in her phone and waved bye to him along with Lydia.

The rest of the way home which was just a street away Jack felt empty even more now. he felt even more guilty and horrible. he wished he can call Finn and apologize for making him feel such a way.

Later on that day Jack was home alone. His dad took the kids out to their soccer game and Jack didn't really want to join. he knew kids were just going to be screaming along with the parents so he decided to not deal with that. he did wish his siblings good luck along with a kiss on their forehead.

he ran down his stairs to watch tv on his living room ready for a marathon of god knows what. yet a ring from his home phone went off. he groaned wondering if its his dad asking to bring something the kids forgot.

"im not bringing anything if they forgot something dad"

"hm im pretty sure im not your dad Jack"

Jack eyes widen as his heart quickened hearing the voice from the other side. how he missed that voice was shown through his big smile.

"hello? Jacky?"

"oh! sorry i was just shocked... Finn how did you get my home phone number?"

"Millie explained to me your situation and gave me your home phone number"

finn let out a chuckle making Jack heart flutter. He should have known that Millie was going to give it to him. her excuse was even lame on why she wanted it the first place. Jack will remember to thank her once he sees her again. But then he remembered how sad he made Finn feel making him frown.

"im so sorry Finn! i dont want you thinking that i was ignoring you or anything. im such a bad person..."

"oh shh! dont worry i understand now. so tell me how has your days been? and can i make it even better by stopping by with some food?"

"oh please"

Jack wanted to scream and jump but he kept calm even though he was doing a bad job at it. once he ended the call they agreed on just pizza and some snacks. Jack called his dad asking if his friend can come over and was even more happy once his dad agreed.

"oh god what are you doing to me Finn Wolfhard" Jack said as he throws himself on the couch screaming.


sorry it wasn't much and sorry for the wait ))):

im taking an extra class now two days out of the week so now i feel like i have two jobs oof. anyways i hope you guys enjoy!'

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