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bet you didn't expect this bahah

but im so so so so soooo sorry i havent updated ); at this point there is no excuse why i couldnt update.

i hope you guys enjoy this one!!


the next morning Jack wasn't next to Finn. the older was confused wondering if he dreamt the whole thing. he got up checking how its only eight am and continued to think if maybe he did dream.

Finn walked into his daughters room seeing that she was already up laying on her side with her teddy. the father smiled getting in bed with her wrapping his arms around her.

"wheres Jacky dadda?" she asked looking up and Finn heart felt heavy. i guess he didn't dream about it, Jack just left. he didn't feel that hurt and he shouldn't but he would have liked a little note.

"maybe not a note but an actual goodbye" finn said under his breath as his little girl talks about her dream. it all felt too familiar to him which only pains his heart even more.

"hey baby lets get ready and go out to eat? how about we have a you and me day, how does that sound?" finn said getting up along with his daughter.

"yesie! always wan to spend with daddy!" she giggles running to the restroom. finn smiles and followed her.

they got ready together Finn letting Lydia choose his outfit (well somewhat). the two would laugh when they singed along making up songs to whatever they are doing. the happy two were having a good time.

once finn got lydia all buckled up he went to the drivers side and started to head to a diner. he decided they can go eat breakfast, head to the park, and then go back home to paint or something. easy activities that lydia would keep busy at. though she can barely focus on one thing for 20 minutes she'll still have fun.

"daddy why isnt jackie coming with us?" she asked as she kicked her feet up while finn drives. the dad didn't know what to say and excuses for people leaving seem to be running dry for him.

"um he needed to be home baby? maybe next time he can spend more time with us" finn said and the little girl hummed.

for a few more minutes Lydia continued to ask questions as Finn focused on the road and answering his daughters questions. he tried to put music to distract her but the little girl was just questionable today. a question after another and Finn hopped it stopped once she for waffles in her or else today will be a long one for him.

once they arrived finn turned off the car and got out and helped Lydia out as well. she landed on her two feet grabbing her dads hand (well really finger because her dad was too tall for her) and pulled him into the food place. once they entered they quickly got sat down and provided Lydia with a a booster seat. Finn thanked them and looked at the menu and his daughter looked at hers.

"hmm what are you gonna eat daddy?" Lydia asked looking at her dad. Finn smiled and looked at his daughter.

"hm i was thinking waffles? what about you baby?" Finn asked and Lydia smiled nodding her head agreeing that she was also gonna get those.

once the waiter came Finn ordered their food with their drinks. Lydia was excited to eat up and spend more time with her dad. since he has been going out more she hardly saw him. always with her mom which she didn't mind but she is a daddys girl. i mean how can she not? thats all she knew all her life (even it its a couple of years). she still understood things being the prodigy she is.

their food came and they began to eat in peace. thats until Lydia questions began yet again. this time Finn would answer happily since he loved how curious his daughter would be with the littlest of things. to how the waffles were made all the way to how many legs does a spider have. her mind was expanding and Finn was glad to help her with anything she seemed confused of.

once she ran out of questions and started thinking of some she sipped on her apple juice. Finn smiled looking at her and how much adoration he had in his eyes. her curly hair to her freckles and her little nose she got from her mother. he didn't want her to grow up at all.

he wants her to stay like this, small and wanting to spend time with him. he didn't want any boyfriends (or girlfriends or a partner whichever shell have) and he didn't want her leaving for college. he wanted her to stay in his arms forever.

"daddy! daddy! are you not listening?" Lydia waves her arms and Finn starts to focus again. "i asked if bees really die when they sting"

"yes baby they do" Finn said as he finished up his plate. he saw how sad her face looked when he said that the fact was true. "dont be sad baby! they are just protecting themselves or their family. they die for a good reason at least"

"daddy will die if someone hurt me or mommy or granny?" Lydia asked and Finn sighed.

"ill always protect you guys no matter what. we are different from bees though baby. i wont die if i protect you" Finn said smiling. it broke his heart that his daughter would even think of that. "dont worry baby nothing will happen"

once they finished Finn payed and tipped and left. they went straight to the park to play for a couple hours. Finn took some photos as Lydia smiled in most of them. she wasn't really a photo type of person but she didn't it because she loves her dad. she also did it because she knows how important the polaroid pictures on his wall are.

"i love you daddy" Lydia said smiling as Finn pushed her on the swings.

"and i love you princess" Finn said smiling as he continued to spend time with his daughter.

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