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finn looked back at lydia seeing how she is pasted out in her carseat with her popsicle stick on her hand. the dad thanked god that she finished the ice cream before heading to dream land. then he turned over to jack who looked like he could pass out any second.

"thank you jack, for coming" finn said focusing on the road. "also i can tell lydia likes you and it makes me happy"

"i should thank you for letting me tag along! im glad she likes me, she is a very smart girl" jack said now looking at finn. the dad nodded with a smile knowing he is raising his daughter correctly. "so.. you and millie, hows that going?"

jack can see how finns expression changed into a unknown one now. he was now stiff not showing an emotion to give the younger a clue on what his answer is. it kinda worried jack since he thought finn and him were hitting it off pretty well. so he grabbed his hand reassuring him that its gonna be okay.

"well she wants to be part of lydias life—"

"no not that, like you two.. how are you guys going? do you like the fact that she is back?" jack asked and finn sighed. he squeezed the youngers hand due to his own anxiety.

"i mean yeah... now lydia can see her mother. also the whole group was happy she is back so why shouldn't i?" finn asked glancing at jack then back at the road.

"because she left you with a child and a note" jack said and finn heart cracked. he didn't know why he was being more sensitive about it as if it just happened. he was over it and ready to move on.

"lydia still deserves a mother jack and im not gonna take that away from her" finn replied raising his voice a bit higher. he pulled away from jacks hand placing it on his lap now.

"finn.. i didn't mean it like that" jack said realizing what he did wrong. finn didn't say anything though he just kept driving.

jack looked out the window annoyed that finn was mad. he hated when people were mad especially at him. he didn't mean for finn to take it that way but it was also the truth.

so for the rest of the car ride jack and finn didn't say anything to each other. the songs out of the bluetooth of fins phone was playing softly filling in the quietness. they knew it was gonna be a long way back home.


it was around five when they dropped jack back at his place. finn was riding home as lydia was now wide awake from her nap. she asked where jack went and when she can see him again. finn didn't reply though just telling her to play with her new toys jack had bought her.

finn car screen light up seeing that someone is calling him. he tapped accept connecting the call. finn was thankful he had connected his phone to the bluetooth.

"hello?" sadie was now heard through the car. lydia payed no attention too busy with her new elephant toy.

"whats up? did something happen?" finn replies back as he turns right. he was almost home and was happy since he wanted to relax.

"no we are all good but you wanna go to noahs party?" sadie asked. "its in two hours so i was hoping you came home from the little date of yours"

"it wasn't a date okay? he was just meeting lydia" finn said blushing. sadie hummed as a reply but finn knew she was rolling her eyes.

"so you in or not wolfhard? you haven't been to a party in years so why not now when millie is back and all your worries are away" sadie said and finn sighed. he looked at his rear view mirror looking at his daughter before turning into his street.

"okay but not for long and we have school tomorrow" finn said and sadie groaned.

"its fine finn! ill be at your house in an hour with sophia so be ready by then! bye" sadie hung up as finn pulled into the driveway

"daddy gonna be gone today?" lydia asked and finn turned to her with a smile.

"only for a while pumpkin! dont worry though cause grandma is gonna take good care of you like she always does" finn said and gets off the car. he runs to lydias side opening the door and unbuckles her from her carseat.

"when can we hang out with mommy?" lydia asked as finn carries her into the house. finn locks his car doors and enters the house.

"you wanna hang out with mommy? you sure baby" he asked setting her down and lydia nods.

"for my birthday... can mommy and daddy take me somewhere together? like.. like a family?" she asked looking down at her shoes. finn went down to go to her height.

"anything for my princess" finn said kissing her forehead and lydia smiled hugging her dad before running off.


this was trash lmao

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