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"dadda!" Ly runs to Finn once Millie set her down from her arms. Jack smiles at the sight loving how much Lydia loves her dad. "hi Jacky! did you have fun with dadda?"

"i did sunshine!" Jack smiled which made Lydia squeal in joy.

Millie smiled closing her car door with a sigh. it was midnight when the mom decided to drop the little girl off since Lydia insisted that her teddy bear will be mad if she didn't show up. So millie texted Finn and of course Finn was up with no other then Jack.

Though Millie knew they were off on a date he didn't know that Jack would still be here which means it was a good sign. She felt guilty on dropping off Lydia but she couldn't just change now. She should have asked Finn is he was still with Jack instead of asking if she can drop off Lydia now. Also she knew Finns mother was still working since they did call her in.

"thank you Millie" Finn said smiling and the ex lover nodded. "you didn't have to bring her you know? could have distracted her. she needs to learn that she cant get everything she wants.

Millie shrugs not really caring since she knows that. She just also knows that there was no way Lydia would sleep without that teddy bear. Also Millie needed to be somewhere supper early in the morning.

"i know i know" millie rolls her eyes, "i have to go now though, bye guys! bye baby" Millie kissed her daughters forehead before getting into the car and leaving. Lydia waved her mom off and made the two boys wait until she couldn't see her moms car.

"is Jacky sleeping over dadda?" Lydia asked once they stepped into the house. Finn looked at Jack and Jack just nodded knowing its already too late.

"Yes Jacky is" Finn said smiling, "Now its time for you to sleep because it's past your bed time baby"

So Finn changed Lydia and read her a book until she knocked out. Jack had changed in to comfy clothes Finn had gave him and watched Finn be a dad. A smile on his face every time he'll do something Lydia asked.

Once Lydia knocked out completely the two pair went back to Finns room. Jack continued to look at the wall of photos as Finn changed behind him. It was somewhat awkward so Jack made sure not to turn around though he would love to. Once Finn was done he joined Jack standing next to him.

"You seem to love this wall" Finn chuckled lightly. "You always go to it"

"its like a movie of your life. Each picture has a beautiful story, sad or happy" Jack said continuing to look at the wall. Finn smiled as he wanted to get his polaroid.

"Hey Jack" Finn called out and Jack turned around as he saw a flash. Finn smiled as the film slowly came out once it did he laid it on the desk. "Lets take a picture together for the wall"

Jack smiled with a nod not caring that Finn had took an off guard photo of him. He stands next to Finn with a smile as Finn clicked the camera making the flash trigger. Finn set that down on the desk then grabbing the one of Jack off guard the photo had developed completely. He smiled getting tape and tapping it on the wall.

"now whats that story?" Jack asked playfully.

"that moment i fell in love with you" Finn said to himself.


sorry that this is so short

i just came back from vacation and thought ill just drop this here!

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