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finn sighed as they began to greet people who have arrived at the party for his little girl. he was nervous every time someone would walk through the white gate which was at millie backyard. family members of her happy to see the two and the little girl that they haven't seen in what seemed like forever or for some its the first time meeting lydia.

slowly the backyard filled up with family and friends. lydia ran with her cousins she is meeting for the first time and her friends. finns group had arrived not long ago as they sat on a table in the back of the party for the family could sit in front.

"so many questions that i need a break" finn said as he sat down. lydia family members were all asking too much questions and personal ones too. they were just like millie, no filter.

"i mean it could be worse" gaten said and as usual he jinxed it. the whole table turned and saw millie was a boy around her height maybe a few inches taller. definitely shorter than finn though. he held her hand and kissed her cheek. "or maybe it can?"

finn watched as they interacted. he hoped lyida wouldn't see at all. millie soon started walking to the table of friends as they all turned back asking whats going on.

finn was shocked that millie didn't tell him before hand. not that he cared that she moved on but for lydia sake. he was afraid to bring jack but millie didn't think twice to bring her new lover. so worry grew on him.

"um guys this is noah, he is my boyfriend" millie said smiling. everyone greeted him as they also introduced themselves. "finn is lydias father"

"nice to meet you" finn said shaking his hand. noah smiled at him with a nod. "i better go find lydia, dont think he has had any food today"

finn walked away trying to find his daughter as he turned right he saw jack crouching down smiling and laughing. a smile placed on the older lips now as he approaches the two.

"look daddy! jack made it! he even brought me a special present he said!" finn looked at jack confused since no gift was in either of the twos hands. "but he said i have to wait till i get home to see it!"

"well i guess we'll wait! go ask millies mom to serve you food princess" finn said and his daughter nodded going to her mothers mom. "and this present is?"

"a surprise! your mom helped me put it in your house so dont think i broke in. she should be here any minute" jack said and finn nodded.

"i said that you didn't have to get her anything and im starting to think that you don't listen" finn said and jack shrugged.

"you're lucky its just one thing i had to control myself not to get her the whole store! but i wanted to get the princess herself something. she is my favorite little girl after all" jack said and finn felt his heart flutter.

he knew he was falling for jack now and even though he would hate to admit it he couldn't lie what his heart is telling him. he felt warmth when jack is near him and it was something he never felt when he was with millie. he loved how he didn't care that finn had a baby at such a young age and he loved that jack was in complete awe with his child.

finn wanted nothing more than that for lydia to love jack. he wanted her to feel safe with him and trust him. yet finn knew lyfia felt all those things but he just needed to make sure and hear it from her.

"they are all over there talking to millies new boyfriend" finn said and jack eyes widen. "yeah shocked all of us too but go and get food please"

"yes finny i will now i saw you help millies mom" jack said giggling then walking away. finn turned to millies mom and noticed how lydia was already being picky and the grandmother getting annoyed. finn sighed and quickly went to help.


finn put down the gifts on the living room floor and groans throwing himself on the couch. jack soon came with the other gifts as lydia smiled thanking the younger male.

"jacky wheres present?" lydia said and jack smiled.

"in your room" jack said and the girl squealed as she ran up stairs. finn got up with a stretch and a yawn. he was completely tiered especially since it was two in the morning.

before either could say anything they heard lydia scream. jack knowing why but finn not knowing ran up to see if his daughter is okay. jack followed along wanting to see finns reaction.

they reach the little girls room to see her hugging the huge stuff bear on the side of her room. finn eyes widen as the room looks smaller than before.

"jack oh god! you didn't have to" finn said as he walked over to the stuff animal that was almost his hight. lydia ran to the other hugging his legs repeatedly saying thank you.

"i wanted to though and she deserves it in my opinion" jack said and went down to hug her. "she is the princess after all remember?"

"and you two are the kings!" lydia said giggling. jack and finn lightly laughed at the younger girl.

finn felt a warm feeling im his chest that he couldn't explain. if he tried to he'll say 'home'. it was like thanksgiving or christmas. maybe even a smell of a candle you enjoy. also the feeling of comfort and peace. as if jack and lydia is all finn needed and of course his mother. the three was what he really wanted in his life at that moment.

so finn hoped if anything happened in the future. he would want jack and himself to be together.

not gonna lie this was done yesterday but i forgot and so i posted it late but i hope you enjoyed !!!

opinions on this chapter?

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