The Line Between Light and Darkness

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Hello, I'm back, sorry for taking so long to upload, but I was busy writing my other stories and doing some other things. 2019 is coming to a close, but I hope 2020 will be a good year for us all! I'm also going to try and get better with responding to comments.

The first thing Lita did when she got back to her quarters was meditate to contact Qui-Gon. She had to tell him what happened. Lita sat at on her bed and started mediating to comune Qui-Gon Jinn.

Master Qui-Gon I need to talk to you.

Qui-Gon's Force Ghost then appeared before her, "Hello Lita, I sense something is troubling you."

"Yes Master Qui-Gon, today when my father was training me, he wanted me to do combat training," Lita explained, "He had a Sith droid turn into Obi-Wan, a holographic version obviously, and I could feel hatred and anger in me, like it wasn't really me. I know you said to control the darkness within me so it doesn't corrupt me, but how do I do that and how do I even know if the darkness corrupts me?"

"Lita you must realize there's a fine line between light and darkness," Qui-Gon said in his fatherly tone.

"I felt like I almost crossed it. You're right I do have anger and hatred, especially for what happened to my father," Lita admitted grimly, "But I don't know what to do."

"Well that is the first rule," Qui-Gon said.

"What do you mean?" Lita frowned confused.

"To not favor one side of the Force over the other," Qui-Gon explained, "Learn to accept the darkness but without giving into it."

"You're saying that it will make me stronger?" Lita questioned.

"What I am saying is to not worry of what will happen, live in the moment," Qui-Gon said, "Know that both light and darkness are part of the force. Always remember, your focus determines your reality. Always be mindful of your surroundings and feelings. Let the Force guide you and trust the will of it as well as your instincts."

"Learn to accept the darkness without giving in and be mindful of my surroundings and feelings. Let the Force guide me. Thank you Master Qui-Gon. I'll do my best to remember that," Lita promised.

"I know you will," Qui-Gon smiled and then disappeared.

The next day, Lita and Vader took his ship to a dark, almost lifeless looking planet. As they got closer Lita noticed the lack of plant life, as well as lack of fauna, which made her think of how much she misses Naboo. At first Lita wasn't sure what was this place, but then she remembered what her father told her.

"This is Vjun?" Lita stared around the lifeless planet with Rori and Deethreepio next to her, "But why here of all places?"

"Perhaps I will tell you at a more appropriate time," Vader answered, "Now come with me."

As Lita was following close to Vader, she gasped when she saw what look like a huge dark castle in front of them, Vader's castle. As they walked closer to the dark castle, Lita's bones were feeling like ice, the castle reeked of darkness. But then she remembered what Qui-Gon told her, to not be afraid of the darkness, Lita began to breathe deeply to calm herself and to relax her body as they entered the dark castle. Vader then led his daughter to a huge area that had a huge fighter ship and droids, Lita looked in awe.

"What is this place?" Lita asked, looking around in amazement.

"This is where I repair and modify my fighter ships and the droids that I have," Vader explained, "I do have more than one place where I do it, on other planets where I reside, but I still prefer having more than one."

"I know how that feels. I would always want more than one place to work on fixing or building things, even though I was never allowed to leave the home unless someone else was with me," Lita stated, "But when I was working on building my speeder bike I wanted to finish building it as soon as possible, which is why I snuck out to get them."

"I am happy that you did," Vader told her, "I spent fifteen years thinking you were dead along with your mother. When I learned that Obi-Wan took you from me like he did your mother I was enraged, I planned on getting you back no matter what. Come there is something else I want to show you."

Vader then took Lita to a room that had a black capsule pod that was looked like it was three meters in diameter.

"What's this?" Lita asked.

"My meditation chamber, which also acts as my life support," Vader explained, "It is the only place where I can take off my mask and helmet. I make sure to have one of them or a bacta tank to heal myself, especially my lungs."

When Vader opened it the two hemispheres parted longitudinal, however it didn't have a proper hatch or a control panel.

"Father, would it be safe if I went in with you?" Lita asked with hesitation, "It's just I want to see what you look like without your mask."

"If that is what you want," Vader responded, and then walked into it with Lita following him while Deethreepio and Rori stayed outside.

There was only one seat in the meditation pod, so Lita was content to sitting on the floor next to her father. When Vader sat in he removed his mask and his helmet and Lita gasped with what she saw as her eyes widen. Lita saw a man whose face was bald and covered in burn marks and deep scars this was the true face of her father. Lita instinctively put out her hand to touch her father's face and began stroking it gently. In response, Vader touched her hand with his gloved one and gave it a gentle squeeze, he then he looked at Lita and gave her a small smile.

"You don't have to do this. There is conflict within you, it's tearing you apart. Father, I know the person who you were is still there I saw it myself. Come away with me, please father, we can go somewhere else and leave everything behind," Lita begged her father pleadingly, "And if you're worried of the Emperor, we can somehow fake our deaths and maybe we can go to a remote planet that has no sentient beings."

"Your mother once said the same thing to me," Vader whispered in a raspy voice, "But I'm afraid that is impossible. The only way for us to be rid of the Emperor is for us to take him down together and you will turn."

Lita just sighed sadly and then rested her head on her father's lap. She then started to fall asleep as her father was gently stroking her hair. The last words she heard was Qui-Gon communicating with her through the Force, Remember Lita there's a fine line between light and darkness. Then sleep won out and darkness descended.

Should Lita stay with Darth Vader or not? If not, does she escape or does something happen? Until then May the Force Be With You!

Light and DarknessOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant