Meeting Cal

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I'm sorry that I haven't uploaded this story for a while. I was having trouble with this chapter and it took me a while to write and to edit some things out, but I was able to complete this chapter.

I'm also still trying to decide of Lita's love interest should be Ezra Bridger or Cal Kestis. But it seems Ezra might end up being the one. One of my readers suggested Tristan Wren should be Mina's love interest and I think that's what I'll do. So enjoy this chapter and if there's anything let me know I'm just trying back to my Star Wars stories.

Lita was sleeping, with her companions by her side. A medical droid had just come in to give Lita her medicine and then left. As Lita was sleeping she dreamed of her training with her father, which was making her miss him even more.


Lita and Darth Vader were at Bast Castle, Vader's, and now Lita's, private fortress on Vjun training with the lightsaber forms. Vader was showing her how and Lita was trying to copy it.

"Now remember Lita, keeping your lightsaber moving is key to deflecting the fire from multiple adversaries. Fluid motion, one into the next, into the next, and so on," Vader instructs her. "Shii-Cho, Makashi, Soresu, Ataru, Shien/Djem So, Niman and Juyo/Vaapad these are seven lightsaber forms. Now let us do Form IV again."

Lita nods ready.

"One, two three, four, five, six," Vader instructed, as Lita was following his lightsaber movements with her own, "Let's do it again. One, two three, four, five, six. Again. One, two, three, four, five, six. One, two, three, four, five, six. You are still too slow."

"Sorry Father," Lita apologizes. "I just still want to make sure I was doing it right."

"I understand this, but you can't do this in an actual fight," Vader told her firmly, "You must always be prepared and ready for anything."

"Father," Lita whispers unconsciously.


Now Lita and Darth Vader were at Fortress Vader in Mustafar. Vader was teaching her lightsaber dueling and was also trying to make her use her anger and hatred, but he knows she's holding back.

Vader was fighting aggressively, but not too aggressively. He was only trying to help his daughter to stop holding back.

Vader then turns his lightsaber off, which made Lita do the same thing. "Lita," Vader said firmly. "You must let go of what light you still think you have. Fully open yourself up to the Dark Side. It will get better. Easier. It doesn't have to always be a fight."

"I don't want to be a Sith, Father," Lita said softly. She was staring down at the ground while toying with her lightsaber. She heard her father's mechanical breathing, which she assumed would've been a sigh. They were words similar as to what Lita said before to her father after he took her from Naboo. A gloved hand came under Lita's chin and gently brought her head up. Lita's blue eyes met her father's dark mask.

"Foolish child," Vader said softly. "You already are a Sith. You were born to a Sith."

"Father. Father, no," Lita mumbles and begins tossing and turning in her sleep.

On Mustafar at Fortress Vader, Darth Vader and Lita had just finished training and she was slowly improving with lightsaber combat, she wasn't holding back as much as she did before, but she still needed a lot more work. Lita was completely exhausted they trained harder and much longer than they usually did and she was now resting on the floor.

Vader knelt down to his daughter and gently rakes through her blonde hair with a gloved hand. He then scoops Lita up in his arms and holds her closely and tightly.

"Father what are you doing?" Lita asks Vader, "You really shouldn't be doing this."

"You're too tired to stand on your own," Vader replies in a dry tone.

"But I don't want to make you more uncomfortable or make your pain worse," Lita said, "I mean even I know I don't have to be wearing that suit to know it isn't good for you at all."

"You are correct, my daughter," Vader confirms, "This suit causes me unbearable pain. But you don't make me uncomfortable or cause me pain, you never did."

Lita smiles up at her father as he carries her to her room. Vader opens the door with the Force and is greeted by Rori's growling, which he ignores. He then lays his daughter on her bed.

Slowly, Darth Vader sits down beside Lita, and the girl snuggles up against him, one hand gently cupping Vader's knee. Vader smiled down at her, and then he turns to his daughter's booted feet and gently removing her boots. After that he lifts his daughter and folds back the covers. He then placed the pair of boots beside the bed, and tucks Lita in.

Vader gently cups his daughter's face in his hand, forgetting how cold the prosthetic can be against Lita's bare flesh. Not that it bothered the fifteen-year old girl as she puts both of her hands on her father's glove hand as if to keep it there.

"I love you Father," Lita whispers.

Lita then woke up sweating and rapid breathing. Rori woke up from her sleep and D3PO who was powered down turned back on concerned for his mistress.

"Mistress Lita, are you alright?" the white protocol droid asked in concern. Rori placed a paw on Lita in concern.

Lita gasped, but then slowly calmed down as she sits up and strokes Rori's head, "I-I think so."

Then the door suddenly opened Lita looked expecting to see Quinlan Vos, but instead she saw it was a human man with red hair, green eyes and a beard and on his shoulders was a BD unit droid.

"Who are you?" Lita asks cautiously, ready for a fight if need be.

"A friend," the red-haired man answers.

"Who are you?!" Lita repeats with more of a demanding tone.

The younger man gave a look of amusement, "Well someone is feisty. I'm Cal Kestis," he introduces himself and pointing to his droid he says, "This is BD-1."

"Quinlan asked me to check on you while he's busy with a mission," Cal said.

"Oh, okay," Lita said with her cheeks turning slightly red. He's kind of cute. To the man she asked, "Are you a friend of Quinlan Vos?"

"I guess you could say that," Cal responds, "We both consider each other allies."

"I'm Lita Naberrie," Lita introduces herself. She decided to us her adopted name, her mother's family name, to test his reaction.

"You don't have to act so suspicious," Cal responds, "I told you I'm a friend, Lita Skywalker."

Lita frowns deeply and asks him, "How do you know?"

"I have my ways," Cal states and then turns to leave, but then looks back her, "It was a pleasure meeting you, I hope paths cross again." Then he left the room.

I don't know when my next chapter will be up, but I'm hoping to focus more on my Star Wars stories. The next chapter will be Quinlan Vos training Lita. Until then, May The Force Be With You!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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