More Strange Dreams

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After Vader exited, Lita took a good look around her bed chamber. Wow, she thought, This is so much bigger than my room at home, which was her mother's. Lita walked over to the big bed, still holding onto Rori with D3PO following, and sat down as she was thinking about what Darth Vader said to her.

Lita spent quite a while "searching her feelings" as Vader told her to do. After finally realizing the truth, about her father, she lied on her bed staring at the walls. "Darth Vader is my father".

D3PO spoke up, "If you'll not be needing me I'll close down for a while."

"No, go ahead," Lita said waving her hand and the protocol turned turned off.

Lita felt a wave of emotions hit her, she felt like screaming after everything that happened. Lita was especially feeling uncomfortable with Vader's chamber being close to hers. She cried into a pillow, thinking about her family and the life she had on Naboo.

Rori, sensing Lita's emotions, went over to her and rubbed against her head and growled softly. Lita picked Rori up into her lap and stroke her on the head.

Lita then remembered what Vader said, so she gently and carefully opened Rori's mouth and she was able to see the device her father implanted in the back of her jaw. Especially since Rori's back quills were dulled and her claws were clipped, as safety precautions when they first got her, Lita believed it was unnecessary to have something implanted in her pet's mouth and felt the same way with D3PO having a restraining bolt. But even if I could remove them, it would make everything worse, she thought grimly, I never should've left the Lake Country.

Lita was stroking Rori's neck as she was taking in everything that had happened. Lita gave a nervous laugh, "A lot of excitement today, huh girl," she said scratching the cub under the chin, "It's going to be strange for a while, with my father being both a Sith and Darth Vader." Soon Lita grew tired and fell asleep, thinking about Naboo.

Dream Sequence,

The same man and woman are standing behind a large column embracing and kissing.

"Oh, Anakin," the woman says happily and gives a happy sigh.

"I've missed you, Padme," Anakin tells her lovingly.

"There were whispers, that you've been killed," Padme tells him.

"I'm all right," Anakin assures her with a smile and added, "Feels like we've been apart for a life time. And it might've been if the Chancellor hadn't been kidnapped. I don't they would've ever brought us back from the Outer Rims."

He tries kissing her again, but Padme pulls back, "Wait, not here."

"Yes, here," Anakin insists, "I'm tired of all this deception, I don't care if they know were married."

"Anakin don't say things like that," Padme told him.

They embrace again, but then Anakin feels Padme shaking.

"Are you all right?" he asked, "You're trembling. What's going on?"

"Something wonderful has happened. Ani, I'm pregnant," she tells him.

Anakin has mixed emotions on his face stunned, worried, nervous, and happy. "That's... That's wonderful," he says finally.

"What are we going to do?" Padme asked worriedly.

"We're not going to worry about anything right now," Anakin says to her, "This is a happy moment. Happiest moment of my life." They then embraced again.

Anakin and Padme are now standing on a large veranda. Anakin is looking distraught. Padme takes his hand, but he doesn't look at her.

"What's bothering you?" Padme asks in concern.

"Nothing," Anakin answers, then touches a charm around the woman's neck, "I remember when I gave this to you."

"How long is it going to take for us to be honest with each other?" Padme asks.

"It was a dream," Anakin admitted.

"Bad?" asks Padme.

"Like the ones I used to have about my mother just before she died," said Anakin sadly.

"And?" Padme asks with tension

Looking at Padme, Anakin answers, "And it was about you,"

"Tell me," said Padme.

"It was only a dream," Anakin said simply then looks out at the huge that's spread out before him. He takes a deep breath and reluctantly tells her, "You die in childbirth,"

"And the baby?" she asks, putting a hand on her stomach.

"I don't know," Anakin answered.

"It was only a dream," Padme assures Anakin walking over to him.

Anakin takes Padme in his arms saying, "I won't let this one become real."

"Anakin, this baby will change our lives," Padme tells Anakin, "I doubt the Queen will continue to allow me to serve in the Senate, and if the council discovers you're the father, you'll be expelled..."

"I know, I know," Anakin said waving his hand.

"Do you think Obi-Wan might be able to us?" Padme wonders.

Anakin thinks for a moment, then said, "We don't need his help. Our baby is a blessing." Then they embraced each other.

Dream Sequence Ended

Lita suddenly woke up, which woke Rori up as well. "Sorry, girl. I didn't mean to wake you," she said stroking the cub's head. She looked at where Threepio was and he was still turned off. Are these dreams that I've been having, were to tell me who my father was, she wondered. I suppose it would make sense, since I never knew anything about my father before. Lita then went back to bed and slept through the rest of the night.

Carrie Fisher may not have become a Jedi like Mark Hamill, but she was a force to be reckon with. Rest in Peace Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia) And May The Force Be With You!

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