An Unexpected Guest

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Sorry it took so long for me to update. I had writer's block for a while. Also, this is my first story so any mistakes I make I do apologize for it. Anyway here's the next chapter!

An Unexpected Guest

(Yes, Lita. I do know your father very well, because I am your father.)

Lita, now sitting up, froze in shock at the statement, staring in disbelief. She felt a lump in her throat and a twisted knot in her stomach.

"My... My father is you? You're my father? But how can that be true?" Lita asked still gaping at the mask.

Vader's heart sank at these words. She was obviously being skeptical about him being a father, but it was no surprise with the dark suit he wore.

"Search your feelings, Lita, you know it to be true. I did not always had to wear this suit," he said to her.

"But if you really are my father then why wasn't I with you?" Lita asked, still not convinced.

"If I had known of your existence, I would have sought you out," Vader told her, as he rested a gloved hand on her shoulder. "But you were hidden from me."

"Well, how do you even know I am your daughter?" Lita asked Vader.

"The test was proven positive," Vader replied.

So that was why he wanted my blood, he conducted a blood test, Lita realized then started fiddling with the edge of her white cloak.

Vader could tell by the look on his daughter's face that she was still having a hard time accepting the truth.

"With time and training you will learn to accept the truth," Vader told her calmly.

"Training?" Lita frowned in confusion.

"Training to use the Force," Vader answered her, "While you may not know much about the Force, it is my duty to teach you."

Before Lita could ask anymore questions, an Imperial officer entered the room.

"Lord Vader."

Despite his mask covering his face, Vader had a look of irritation on his face. "Yes, Captain, what is it? he growled.

Lita heard the man swallow audibly. "We appeared to have found an intruder. Although he claims to have wondered onto the ship when it left the Naboo system."

"Who is the intruder?" asked Vader.

There was a pause, then the Captain answered, "A white protocol droid."

Lita froze, releasing the hem of her cloak she had been fiddling with between her fingers. Oh, no... she thought in horror and dismay. Lita buried her face in her hands. She didn't know whether to cry or scream. Dammit! She groaned. I should've known something like this would happen. I can't believe how stupid I am!

Noticing Lita's dismay, Vader said to the captain, "Tell whoever is in charge to bring the protocol droid to my chambers; inform the droid that his mistress is here."

"Yes, My Lord," said the captain and then left the room.

Vader glanced at Lita, who had her hands on her head in frustration and groaned, "Why didn't I see this coming? This is exactly like something that would happen with D-3PO."

"You seem to be well-acquainted with that droid," Vader commented, "How long have you had him?"

"Since I was young," Lita answered, "I would get into trouble a lot as a child, so my grandfather thought getting a droid to help watch me would be a good idea; and since I had a private tutor instead of school, my aunt and uncle also thought it would be a good idea for me to learn different languages, since my tutor didn't know much languages."

"What of the nexu?" Vader questioned.

"I got Rori as a birthday present. We got her from an animal trader on Naboo," Lita explained, "But my aunt and uncle were reluctant for me to have a dangerous animal for a pet, even though I love them. But then I made a deal with them that if I could train one of the cubs, I could..." Then she stopped and slapped a hand on her forehead in annoyance. What is wrong with me? Why am I telling my life story to one of the most dangerous people in the galaxy? Even if he is my father it doesn't excuse him from taking me from Naboo. Not to mention he still won't tell me where Rori is.

Vader, who was probing the girl's mind, huffed in annoyance then said, "As I said before your pet is fine."

Glaring at the Sith Lord, Lita sighed impatiently, "Just tell me you didn't do anything to her."

Vader answered coolly, "If your nexu was to stay with you, she had to have a special device implanted in her jaw to keep her from biting hard enough to draw blood."

"WHAT?" Lita yelled, obviously angry about what happened to her pet. "YOU PUT A DEVICE IN RORI'S MOUTH AND WITHOUT MY CONSENT?"

"I couldn't have your pet biting down anymore of my men," Vader smirked, amused by the girl's anger.

"Is it hurting her?" Lita asked quietly, with concern and worry in her voice.

"It will not cause any damage," Vader said.

Lita was about to ask about if she'll still eat properly when the doors opened to reveal three Stormtroopers and an Imperial officer standing outside.

Standing in between two of the storm troopers was a familiar white Protocol droid.

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