Lita and Qui-Gon

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I hope everyone is having a wonderful May Fourth.

"Who are you?" Lita asked.

"My name is Qui-Gon Jinn," the man answered.

"Qui-Gon Jinn?" Lita repeated, she then asked the man, "Why have you been talking to me in my head? Have you been sending me these strange visions? Are you trying to tell me something? What's going on?

Qui-Gon held up a hand to silence her, "I can tell you, if only you'll let me explain." Lita nodded and stayed silent.

"To begin with," Qui-Gon said, "no I'm not sending you these visions you've been having, it's part of your Force sensitivity, whether it has to do with your family or not. I have been communicating with you through the Force, because of your father."

"My father," Lita exclaimed, "But what does he have to do with this?"

"There is much of your father within you, young one," Qui-Gon explained, "Such as a balance of light and darkness."

"How do I have darkness?" Lita asked, not understanding what the man was saying.

"You still hold onto your anger, anger towards your father for taking you from your homeworld, towards the Emperor for what he has done and are starting to develop anger for what happen to your father. You also fear of not only for what you could become being trained by your father in the darkside of the force, but what he could do to your droid and nexu should you refuse," Qui-Gon explained to the young blonde girl.

Lita looked down at her bed with shame knowing that what she was feeling was the truth.

"Lita," Qui-Gon spoke up, "I need you to listen to me very carefully and look at me."

Lita reluctantly rose her head and looked at the force ghost's face.

"My old Jedi friends may have disagreed with me on this, but anger and fear are a part of being human and that one must need light and darkness to bring balance in oneself," Qui-Gon said to her and continued, "When I was still alive I would voice my own opinions, something the Council did not approve of, because according to them I was brash and hasty, and I followed the Force and allowed it to guide my actions, instead of listening to what the Council told me. The Jedi defined good as the common good instead of the will of the force and placing the favor of the people over the favor of the force itself, which I had to say wasn't too different from the Sith." Qui-Gon then looked at Lita in fatherly way, "As long as you can control the darkness within and don't be afraid of it to use it when needed or let it take over you completely, it will not corrupt you, as it did to your father."

This made Lita ask, "Qui-Gon, did you know my father was going to turn to the darkside?"

"Yes and no," Qui-Gon said.

Lita had a very confused look and asked,"What does that mean?"

"Your father was believed to be the Chosen One, the one who would bring balance to the Force," Qui-Gon stated, "But none of us knew how it would work, not even myself, I always preferred living in the moment, while the other Jedi focused more on the future, my belief of your father being the Chosen One looked both at the future and in the moment, although his future contained an uncertain destiny. Before I was killed by Darth Maul, I discovered a path to immortality, to become one with the force. After my death, I realized in order for the corruptness to stop the Jedi Order had to end, your father played a crucial role in it, however the Force is still unbalanced with Darth Sidious ruling the Galaxy."

"My father said that he wanted to save my mother," Lita replied.

"That is correct," Qui-Gon responded, "But as you know, despite the attempts your mother died anyway." Lita nodded sadly in response. Qui-Gon continued, "But I sensed there was still good in your father, which was why when you were born, I suggested to Master Yoda that one of you should be sent to your mother's home planet of Naboo."

"What do you mean by one of you?" Lita questioned with great interest.

"Your mother gave birth to three babies, before she died. One was you and the other two were your brother and sister," Qui-Gon revealed.

"I have a brother and sister," Lita smiled, but then frowned, "But why wasn't I told about them?"

"My apprentice, Obi-Wan, Master Yoda, and Senator Bail Organa decided the best way to keep the three of you safe was to split you up, to protect you from the Sith," Jinn explained, "Because if the Emperor found out your father, Anakin Skywalker, had any offspring, they would be a huge threat to him."

"But who are they?" Lita asked, wanting to know more.

"Be patient, young one," Qui-Gon told her with a warm smile, "Your paths shall cross when you are older. I sense there is something else troubling you, young one."

"Yes," Lita replied, "I was reading one of the books about the Sith and it said there can only be two Sith, a master and an apprentice."

Qui-Gon had a look of sorrow on his face as he admitted, "This is unfortunately true, which is one reason why I told you mustn't fall to the darkside.

Lita eyes widen with fright, "You're saying that the Emperor will make me and my father try to kill each other."

"That is correct. The Emperor wants to have an apprentice that is not only young, but strong and powerful in force as well," Qui-Gon replied, "Should you ever meet the Emperor, do not trust him, because he will try and manipulate you to become his servant of the darkside," Qui-Gon warned, then said, "It is now time for me to leave."

"What? No, wait I have more questions to ask you," Lita cried, not wanting the man to leave yet.

"I will always be with you, Lita. And remember to always trust in the force," Qui-Gon smiled, then disappeared, leaving Lita trying take everything in that she learned.

This won't happen for another a few chapters, but I want to ask if Lita should stay with her or should she not. I'm thinking of having Qui-Gon be Lita's force spirit guide, like how Obi-Wan and Yoda were to Luke. And if I make any mistakes feel free to point them out, because I don't always know. Until then, May 4th Be With You!

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