A Chance of Meeting

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I've been doing better and improving in my physical therapy class and I've also been taking swim therapy classes, which has also been helping my knee. My knee is doing better, which is good.

I'm also really looking forward to the Obi-Wan Kenobi TV miniseries. I've also realized that I forgot during the middle of Rebels Season 2 Leia is fifteen at that time, so it looks like I'm going to have to change Lita's age for when she was taken from Naboo to fourteen instead of fifteen.

The next morning, Lita changed into a white dress. Kanan told her that it was better to not risk causing any suspicions with her Sith apprentice clothing. While Kanan, Ryder and Mina were talking with Hera about everything that happened, Lita was with Ezra, along with D3PO and Rori.

"How's he taking it?" Hera asked via comlink.

"As you'd expect," Kanan answers, "We both knew Ezra might not get the news he hoped he would about his parents."

Hera turned her attention to Ryder, "Governor Azadi, we're grateful you stood by them for so long."

"Not sure what good it did," Ryder said sadly. "Things don't seem any better here on Lothal."

"At the moment, maybe, but we hope to change that in the future," Hera replies and looked at Kanan."Speaking of which, Senator Organa heard about our losses on Garel. He's sending us reinforcements. His agent is coming to Lothal with three cruisers."

"Three cruisers? That is good news," Kanan replied with a smile. "Maybe a mission like this is just what Ezra needs." Mina nods at this.

"I hope you're right." Hera said. "We'll be there as soon as we can to help. But before I forget what about the girl? You mentioned that you found the girl who was with the Sith Lord we encountered on Lothal. Shouldn't we be worried? Especially since she's there with you?"

"I don't think so," Kanan answers, "Well at least not in that way. She doesn't seem dangerous, even though she tries to be. She's more scared and cautious than anything else."

"Did she say what she was doing with the Sith Lord?" Hera asks curiously.

"No," Mina answers, "She says that she doesn't trust us, but I get the feeling she's also protecting something, or someone."

"Well we can discuss it later," Hera decides, "For now, let's focus on these cruisers."

Ezra and Lita sat in the field with Chopper, Deethreepio and Rori next to them. Lita could feel his pain greatly through the Force. Lita then grabbed his hand and gave it a firm squeeze, Ezra smiled at Lita. Rori then rubbed her head against her mistress and Lita used her other hand to stroke her nexu.

"Ezra, we're gonna miss our rendezvous. Let's go," said Kanan, and he said to Lita, "You're welcome to join us."

Lita gave a small smile, "No offense, but no thanks. I really shouldn't even be here or talking to you anyway."

"What? Why not?" Ezra asks with a small frown, "You've seen what the Empire has done."

Lita gave Ezra a sympathetic look, "I know and trust me I don't agree with anything that they do, but I have my own reasons for not getting involved in this.

"Like what?" Ezra asks.

Giving an unsure look at Kanan and Mina before answering Ezra, she said, "I can only expect you to understand this Ezra, but someone really important to me is in the Empire. He doesn't realize it, but he is there against his own will, the Emperor brainwashed him. I want to save him, but I don't know how without risking his safety."

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