Happy New Year

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Yancy took his little girl out to buy some foreworks. Y/N was making all the food ahead of time.

When Yancy came back Asche asked a question.

"Why does daddy have words on his hands?"

Y/N carried the little girl and brushed her hair, "Daddy got bored and drew on himself with permanent marker when he was in work."

"Can I draw on my hand mommy/daddy?"

Y/N laughed and told her no.

They put their daughter down and wait for their main guest to come.


"Uncle Illi!" Asche says.

"Hold on sweetie! I'll get the door, help mommy/daddy get the candy ready."

Yancy opens the door to reveal his long lost brother.

"Yancy my man!" They bro hug, "How's my niece doing? I brought her a present from Thailand."

"Youses can't just keep bringing artifacts here like that, man."

Illinois calls Asche over and he gives her a small pink llama with a unicorn horn.

As Asche plays with her brand new toy, the grown ups talk.

"Glad you can make it, Illinois. How was your trip?" Y/N says.

"Ah, it was fun. Some traps here and there, but I managed to return that golden crystal ball in the temple."

"Why do youses keep goin on those adventures?"

"Their fun! And I'm an explorer that returns cursed artifacts. If no one can do it, I might as well."

Y/N unloaded the turkey from the oven and started the side dishes.

"Are y'all okay with some classic side dishes?"

"Yes shortcake, cook whatever youse wants."

As Yancy and Illinois talk and head to the living room, the door bell rings again.

Yancy opens the door and is shocked to see the person standing in front of him.

The Warden.


The Warden came because Y/N thought it would be a good idea, since, he's like a father to Yancy.

Y/N also manages to cook everything and starts setting down the plates and utensils.


When everyone was done eating, the family headed outside to watch the pre fireworks display.


Everyone was enjoying themeselves, laughing, smiling, playing around.

It was a moment of pure happiness.



"Youses know I love you very much," Yancy says to Y/N, cupping their cheeks, "I feel like we should adda a
'nother to the family."




"I love you as well dear," Y/N grabs Yancy by the waist, "Maybe we could make room for one more."






"Happy New Year, Shortcake."

"Happy new year, Yance."

The two gave eachother a passionate kiss. Illi covered Asche's eyes and distracted her with the fireworks.

A happy ending, indeed.

"What the-"

[The map on Yancy's arm started to glow]

[A new Adventure unlocked: AHWM]

Happy new year's everyone, I wish you all a very remarkable 2020❤🤗

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