Chapter 2: Lets Tell A Story

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Third Person Om P.O.V.

You were enjoying your time with Yancy. The both of you would have playful fights here and there. You both played basketball together. You both started to tell eachother secrets. It was just heaven for the two if you.

Of course, there were moments, romantic moments. Kissing was still not there, but you two didn't mind holding hands, or cuddling, so often.

You told him about Mark and how you used to go on a few dates here and there, how you two used to go on missions together, and talked about how much of a sassy ass bi-*cough* I mean talked about how you enjoyed his company.......(not really)..........

You then started talking in detail about your job. You were a spy working for base in hopes of stealing an ancient artifact for research purposes. When you aren't working as a spy, you are a (insert dream job title).

You go on about how much you loved that job. That sometimes you wish you could retire as a spy and stay for that job.

He asks why you didn't, you just told him that you needed a distraction and fun once in a while.

"Yous really are a talented lamb," Yancy says, "Aye, if yous such a smart cookie, then why yous want to be here? You shouldn be with someone like me..."

"I want to get to know you better. I want to be closer to you. If you don't me your story, then how am I to trust you?" You simply say.

"The stories should be shared ina later day..." Yancy scratches the back of his head. He wants to tell you. But he's hesitant.

"Can you at least tell me something about your childhood?" You pleaded.

"Whys you wanna know so badly?"


"I didn't have a happy childhood-"

"I'll grant you a wish! Anything!"

A playful smile crosses his lips.

Maybe you should've gone with something else (🙊)

"Youse will grant me a wish? Anythin I wants?" The way he said it sent shivers down your spine.

"I'm committed. Please, just a story...."

"Once upon a time I killed my mum and dad the e-"


[You smacked his shoulder without remorse.]

[Achievement Unlocked: Abuser]

"OW! Fine. Fine. Lets Tell a Story."

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