Chapter 1: Prison Break In

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I take another breathe, I don't wanna hear it.


"Yancy, I'm sorry, I should've visited you ever since that day. I have no good of an excuse. Hate me all you want. But I still care," Y/N says. I can tell they were shaking.

"Yous don't need to be sorry. But yous can explain what the hell you doin here."

"Well-It's kind of a long story," Y/N scratched the back of their head.

"A long story ay? Well save it for laters."

I don't want to hear it

"Okay, but can you at least tell me why you're out here?"

"Yous don' need to know. If youses smart, you'd go back home." I put the lighter away and step on the cigar. I walk towards Y/N and smack my hand on the brick wall they were leaning on.

"In fact," I lifted their chin and whispered in their ear, "You could stay a while to play, since you are here~


Third Person Om. P.O.V.

You were shivering in fear. A bad boy is  a bad boy after all. With a flustered face, you looked away from his dark brown eyes. Those seductive, "play with me" eyes.


As Y/N was about to say something, a guard came from the door.

"Warren told us that there was no new guard on night shift," he pulled you away from Yancy, "so it looks like you'll be in prison for a while~"


After being patted down head to toe, you came to a realization that you forgot to secure the key in a safe spot.

"And what do we have here?"

[You managed to get your key stolen]

[Achievement Unlocked: Busted]

They threw you in a cell next to Yancy's. The guards gave him a warning for sneaking out.

He gave you a glare, and soon went to sleep on the bunker.

You decided to get some shut eye as well.

And as you closed your eyes, you thought about how you were going to get out of this pickle.


Yancy woke up early and made his bed. After doing a few morning stretches, he takes a peak at his new neighbor.

What an idiot, he thought.

A cute idiot.

After a few moments, Y/N woke up to bumpy morning. As in, you hit your head on the top bunk bed.


You heard a chuckle and turn your head.

"Yous be bangin so early in the mornin," Yancy grabs hold of some bars and gives you a playful smile.

"Good Morning to you, too," Y/N got out of bed and stretched, "When's breakfast?"

"Yous literally been locked up las night, and all yous care bout is food?" Yancy gives you a puzzling look, "*sigh* The guards will be here any min, be patient lamb." 


Breakfast would've gone by smoother if Yancy were with you.

You wanted to see him so badly, so why aren't you even trying? Is it because you feel guilty for abandoning him for five months? Or because you don't know if you actually like the guy?

"Yo, Y/N, meet me by the same place from las night. I wants to ask yous somethin"


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