Part 2 | Chapter 3: Wake Up Call (2/5 Finale)

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"Easy Peasy!"



The cell door opened and I walked out. Watching my surrounds I started to run up the stairs.

*bang* The basement door closes and the click of the lock can be heard.

"Where do you think your going?"


Shit. I'm fucked. I'm screwed.

I slowly turned my body around and meet the demon face to face, "Well uh, youse see, I needed to use the bathroom-"

"Don't take me for an idiot, I knew you broke out of your cell in hopes of getting to Y/N."

This bastard is gettin on my nerves.

"Hey man, I's really need to see 'em. I'll go crazy if I don-"

"SILENCE!" The king roared, "Only I should be able to see the royal heir."

"What does that even mean?"

"It means that no one is allowed to visit (nickname). Of you want them alive, then stay in your cell like a good dog," the entity vanished in black smoke. Leaving purple sparks.

Hehe, let's break out.

I took the same wire as before and picked the lock.

I slowly, and carefully, opened the basement doors and made my way down the halls.


Not a guard, not a prisoner, not even security nor the Warren.

Where the hell is everybody?

I jogged my way to every corner of the prison. Making sure to check every cranny.

"Y/N, Hang on.... I'm comin," I thought to myself.


Y/N P.O.V.

I can't believe I said that to him......

I Hate You?

I didn't mean to......

I was.....I was just stressed......!

"If you keep overthinking this, you'll get a headache," Dark appeared from thin air and stroked my hair.

He then proceeded to lift my chin to let me see him eye-to-eye.

"Why care about a man who had lied to your face. A man that has done unspeakable things in his past life.

"Your wrong, he can change. He can tone up to his sins."

"People like him never change. They say they will, but all they do is repeat history."

He turned my head to the side and whispered in my ear, "However, if you come along with me, I can give you anything~"


If a small date is what you want, I can provide," he started to lean towards my face, "If affection is what you desire."

"I can provide."


Yancy P.O.V.

I checked possibly everything, again.

Until something caught my eye.

A small amethyst purple box laid flat on the Warren's desk. When I picked it up, the box glowed a dark aura and the room went black.

I went unconscious for God knows how long. When I woke up, I felt the urge to look in the mirror.

"Well hello handsome~"

Every tattoo in check.

What the-

But when I lifted my shirt, a huge black rose, with thorns, tattoo was on my chest with Y/N written on it.

I don remem gettin this-

I turned around and my lower back had a heart with wings. It read, "Prison Love".

I think that one was's a dare from Tiny.....

"P-please....don't hurt me...."

The voice was faint, but I heards it. It came from the Warren's bedroom!

"Fuck, Y/N I'm Coming! Don't You Dare Touch My Baby Girl/Boy"

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