Chapter 3: His wish (2/3 of Final)

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For a split second, they looked at (someone you hate [enemy]).

"Ah. I gets you now," I leaned forward on the table, knowing why they looked at everyone, "Youse want me to yourself?"

"N-not like that-I mean-Yes like that-but-"

*laughing* "Youse a lil jelly bout (enemy)?"


~A couple of days after Y/N got in prison~

Y/N P.O.V.

I really want to get to know Yancy better. But ever since I got here, I feel like I was in competition with someone.

You see, Base had a mission to keep Yancy under surveillance. I told them I was more than capable of handling it on my own. But since base found out about my admiration for him. They sent in (your enemy) to do the dirty work. And if he does anything fishy, they are allowed to eliminate him.

And boy can they make any mission a success. I'd always envied them when I first started working. But ever since that incident, I hated their guts.

And I see their attempts. Using their body as a way of getting answers out of the man that hardly shares their secrets. 

I just hate. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.

But I can't let him know that (your enemy) is here. I have to win his heart sooner...

~A few weeks in~

Ok. Maybe wining his heart sooner was probably not the best.

Yes, Yance and I got even closer. But.

He started talking about a relationship he used to be in. He was abused mentally......

I can't be with him after hearing about his past. I don't want to hurt him....

I need to tell him about (your enemy)


~back to Yancy's P.O.V.~

"W-well. It's not that just, I-"

"Youse shouldn worry. That person is trying to get in pants if you know what I mean~"


"I only got eyes for one person babe."

Hopefully my wish can come true without worries.

"I'm pretty sure you, but-"

"Don worry bout me. How bout we go outside?"

They nodded. I knew they wanted to tell me something. But all ears are on us.

~Prison: Outside ~

I held their hand and lead them to the place we met. 

"Aight sweet pea, what is it you wanna tell me?"

I fiddled with their hands, "I'ms sorry if I annoyed yeah a lil."

"It's fine," I could hear the seriousness in their voice, "Yance, that person. *deep breathe* They work for base. They are the ultimate spy that use their body to succeed in any mission. Seduction and lust is all they are made of."

They began to tear up, "I....don't want you to die...." *sobs*

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