3.15 Nadya's Codex

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Dean "i got the basics from Google. A family moves into a long-vacant house one week later, three of them dead by their own hands. Whole family wiped out except for the daughter.  House is still under her name. Figured she's the one who nearly shut down the one place i love to be in"

I shook my head, amused "don't say that, please"

Dean "no promises. See, here's what i don't get. I mean, a cold case is one thing but this is subzero. This is nothing even in our wheelhouse. Unless you know something i don't"

i nodded "yeah. That long vacant home? Used to be a Men of Letters' chapter house"

Dean looked at it. 

Me "Remember Magnus?"

Dean "the dickwad that tried to make a zoo exhibit out of you and me? yeah"

Me "Before he was expelled, he built Werther a magical box with a deadly alarm system. Werther is buried somewhere in that house. It was supposed to be guarded, but the plan went out the window when Abaddon massacred the entire membership in '58"

Dean "and then the house stayed in limbo until some lucky family bought it"

Me "Werther is a time bomb, and it needs to be defused. Not only is this in our wheelhouse, it's our responsibility"

Dean "Our responsibility?"

Me "we're Men of Letters"

Dean "Well, if you say this is a case I'm in. If you'll have me"


Dean was at the front door trying is luck while i was at the back door trying my luck. 

I opened the back door with magic and walked inside. 

Then i slowly made my way through the kitchen. 

Suddenly the kettle next to me started to whistle. 

I rushed over to the lock door in the hallway as the woman and Dean walked into the kitchen. 

Dean gave me a sign and i nodded. 

I picked the lock of the locked door and walked downstairs into the basement. 

Then i looked around. 

I grabbed the chair off the table and it made a noise. 

I froze in place but then kept going. 

Then i looked around and crawled over to the safe. 

I grabbed some bowl that was lying there and put it in front of the safe.

Then i took the ingredients out Rowena had told me to get and put them into the bowl. 

I spoke the spell. 

Suddenly i heard yelling from upstairs "call her up here! now!"

Dean yelled "Lena!Elena. she wants you up here now!!"

I opened the safe and saw some green smoke disappear through the wodden ceiling. 

Then i rushed upstairs "Dean! Dean!"

The woman pointed a gun at me.

Me "hey, hey, hey, take it easy"

Woman "you have any idea what you've done?"

Me "put the gun down. We can talk about this, okay?"

The woman froze "oh, my god"

i turned round but there was no one. 

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