Periods <HunHan>

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Sehun took his family out for dinner at their family's restaurant. They were going to enjoy each others company without any distractions and celebrate A Ra's win in her Chinese spelling bee.

A Ra is a twelve year old who is literally fit to be a trust worthy queen. She isn't mean and she doesn't hate on anyone or anything, beside tomatoes. She can speak both Chinese and Korean due to her parents being both. She can multi task and loves animals. She is also a wiz when it comes to technology.

They all sat by a table and began deciding what to eat. When they chose their meals, they ordered and not long after their food came. They began eating and having small conversations in between. While eating desert ARa felt the need to use the washroom so she excused her self before leaving. She used the washroom before returning to her parents and they finished off their dinner before heading back home.

On the drive home, ARa felt her body temperature raise and began feeling a little dizzy. She chose not to tell her papa because it wasn't bad. As they arrived home and Sehun parked the car in the garage, she got a headache. She slowly made her way up to her room and went and took a bath to cool down skin and took some pain killers for her headache. After she put on her pj's she made her way down stairs to the living room by her parents.

"You okay sweetie?" Luhan asked as she say next to him and hugged him.

"Papa. My head hurts a lot and I have a fever." ARa informed him.

Luhan placed the back of his hand on her forehead and instantly felt the change in her body's temperature. Luhan eyes widen.

"You're roasting hot!" Luhan exclaimed which made Sehun worry.

"I've already taken some medicine but it doesn't seem to work" ARa said as she pouted.

"It'll work soon. Go take a rest. You'll feel better in the morning." Luhan said and ARa nod.

She went up to her room and laid down, falling asleep immediately.

It was about six am when she got up to use the toilet. She was getting cramps from earlier and it had seem to gotten worst. After she used the toilet she went back and lie down before rushing back to her bathroom half hour later. She quickly pulled her pants and underwear down seeing a gush of blood on her panties. She immediately cleaned herself up and put on a pad before returning to lie down falling asleep once again.

ARa then woke up again at eight am because of period cramps and feeling hungry. She made her way down stairs slowly seeing her papa and daddy already awake in the kitchen.

"Oh. You're up early. Good Morning" Luhan said as she sat next to her daddy.

"Morning papa. Morning daddy" She greeted as she sat down.

"Morning princess. How you feeling?" Sehun asked.

"My period came half six this morning" She said bluntly before resting her head on the table and closing her eyes.

Sehun eyes widened and Luhan turned towards her.

"What?!" They both exclaimed at the same time.

"My period came this morning." She said still resting her head on the table with her eyes close.

"Okay, one. Why didn't you wake me and two did you put the pad on properly?" Luhan questioned.

"I didn't want to disturb you guys and yes I put it on properly." ARa answered as she sat up and Luhan nod before continuing to make breakfast.

"ARa come here." Sehun said and she went closer to her daddy.

Sehun placed the back of his hand on her forehead.

"Oh no. You're one of those." Sehun said.

"Her fever's gone?" Luhan asked.

"Yeah." Sehun said and Luhan chuckled.

"One of what?" ARa asked.

"You're one who gets sick before your period comes. Your daddy's ex girlfriend was like that." Luhan said as he placed the toast on the table and winked at his husband.

ARa eyes went huge.

"Luhan how-" Sehun words were cut of by ARa's screech.

"Daddy was straight?!" She exclaimed as she looked at her daddy.

Luhan laughed at his daughter's reaction then sat on the other side of his husband.

"Yes. Your daddy was straight. Key word princess was that was before I came along." Luhan said with a smile.

"Wow. Papa your skills must have been great." Ara said which made both Sehun and Luhan choke on their coffee.

ARa began eating and Sehun leaned closer to his husband

"You're gonna get it later for bring up the past." Sehun whispered.

"Oh. A punishment. Don't mind if I do." Luhan said before both their attention was turned to now a coughing ARa.

"Please keep it PG! I'm still here!" ARa exclaimed.

"Sorry princess." Sehun apologized and they continued to have breakfast.

They finished breakfast and ARa went upstairs then returned back down stairs with a packed bag and properly dressed.

"Uncle Ris will be here for me just now." ARa said as her parents looked at her weird.

"Why are you going-" Luhan words we're cut off.

"So you and daddy can have time for yourselves and I won't be here to witness unholy stuff" She said with a smile before their door bell went off.

ARa let Kris in.

"Hey you ready to go Ra?" He asked and she nod.

He took her bag as she went to give her parents a hug.

"Love you guys. I'll really appreciate a younger sibling bye!" She said before dashing out the door leaving her parents shocked and Kris laughing.

Kris looked at Sehun and smirked.

"I'll bring her back tomorrow. Don't be to rough." He said before he bid them good bye and returned to his jeep where ARa was waiting already.

Author's Note!
Hi! I'm back again. Here's the second "Periods" chapter. And that is true, some people get sick a few days before their period comes. Also school starts back tomorrow so updates will become slower. Happy New Year by the way. I hope y'all have a great 2020. I have finals this year too so wish me luck! Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter :)

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