Periods <ChanBaek>

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Chanyeol and Baekhyun sat in the living room watching movies as Chanhyun went over to his friends house for the weekend and Yara was chilling in her room.

Yara is a thirteen year old girl who is completely opposite from the typical girl on a hold. She is hella active in sport and loves to go gym with her daddy, even though she isn't allowed to fully work out till the age of seventeen. She loves being outdoors and being surrounded by nature. She also likes to compete in competitions. She also has a huge passion for music and dance, all thanks to her parents.

Yara laid on her bed listening to her favorite band while she finished off her home works so she can have the rest of the afternoon free. She really wanted to catch up on her dramas. As she completed her home worked and cleared her bed down, she felt a cramp coming from her lower stomach. She thought it was normal due to lying down on her stomach to long so ignored it until it got worst causing her to fall back on her bed holding her stomach. After a little while it eased up and she felt the urge to go to the washroom so she went.

As she tidied herself she noticed blood and instantly knew what was happening. She was having her first period.

She crosses her legs tightly before waddling towards her bedroom door opening. As she did that the cramp returned this time as if it was taking revenge, which caused the to scream alerting her parents.

"Papa!~" Yara cried out as she see her parents rushing towards her room.

She made her way back to her bathroom and leaned against the door.

"Princess! Are you okay!?" Chanyeol called out.

"Daddy it hurts" She cried out bending over with the pain

"I-is papa t-there?" She asked through the pain.

"Yes princess I'm right here. Can you open the door please" Baekhyun said.

She opened it slightly. Baekhyun and Chanyeol both saw the pain on her face.

"Baby girl-"

"Daddy can papa alone stay please?" Yara asked and Chanyeol nod having an idea if what it is about.

"I'll be down stairs" Chanyeol said.

As Chanyeol reach down stairs he called his sister immediately.

"Hey sis, can I bother you for a minute but you gotta get here as fast as possible" Chanyeol said as his sister answer.

"Why what's wrong?" She asked worriedly already getting her things.

"Yara's um...bleeding(?)" Chanyeol said

His sister chuckled and told him she's on her way.

As Chanyeol left Yara opened the door and let Baekhyun in. As she closes the door once again she bend over in pain.

"Papa I t-think-" she stopped and let out a little whimper.

"My baby's all grown up" Baekhyun said with a smile knowing already that it was her period.

"Hold on baby I'll go get some pads for you. Go take a shower, I'll leave them on the sink for you" Baekhyun said and Yara nod.

He was about to leave when Yara stopped him. He looked at her.

"C-can you help me get to the shower. This shit hurtsss~" she said almost crying.

Baekhyun chuckled.

"Language princess and sure come on" He said as she hold on to him.

She got in the shower and Baekhyun went to his and Chanyeol room to get what his daughter needed, pads.
Chanyeol walked in and saw him taking it out of the drawer.

"Is she okay? I called Yoona" Chanyeol told is husband.

"She's fine and thanks. Yoona would talk to her better about it than me. I only know the basics." Baekhyun told Chanyeol before going to his daughter's room.

"Baby you still in there?" He asked.

"Papa..." She called out faintly

"Its okay princess. Open the door, I have the pads for you" He said and she opened the door.

"Thanks but-"

"We know that's why I'm here" Yoona said from behind Baekhyun.

"Aunty Na! Ow.."

"Thanks. I'll leave you two now. See you soon princess" Baekhyun said before leaving.

Yoona showed her how to put it on properly and told her that she had to always mark when it came and when it stopped and that she had to change it every 2-3 hours etc.

After they talked, Yara was now dressed in a Long sleeved red T-shirt and black jean shorts. She and her aunt made her way down to her parents in the living room.

"Better now princess?" Chanyeol asked

She went and sat between her papa and daddy before hugging her dad. Baekhyun chuckled. She has always been a daddy's girl and Chanhyun has always been the Papa's boy.

"No it hurts like hell" She said as Chanyeol wrapped his arm around her arms.

"Here babe, this should help you" Yoona said handing her a tea cup.

"Is it tea?" Yara asked and Yoona nod.

Yara sat up and sipped on the tea.

"Well I'll get going now. Yara don't be afraid to message me in case of anything okay" Yoona said and Yara nod.

"Thanks sis" Chanyeol said.

"Anytime. Also she's Baekhyun's daughter, be prepared for mood swings similar to how his pregnancy with her was" Yoona said before she bid the couple good bye.

Yara finished the tea and gave her daddy the cup, which he rest on the coffee table. She leaned back on her dad looked at his tattoo.

"Daddy I want a tattoo" Yara said as she traced her father's tattoo with her fingers.

"When you get older princess. Now how bout a movie marathon?" Chanyeol suggested and both Baekhyun and Yara agreed to it.

"Papa" Yara called out.

"Yes princess" Baekhyun answered.

"I want ice cream" Yara said.

"Sure. Let's go get ice cream. Don't tell Chanhyun though" Chanyeol answered for Baekhyun.

They got ready and went for ice cream. On the way back Yara fell asleep and Chanyeol had to carry her to her bed.

As Chanyeol returned to his shared room he looked at his husband and smiled.

"Our little girl is becoming a young woman" Chanyeol said before sitting next to his husband.

"Yes she is. We're gonna raise a lovely daughter"

Chanyeol agreed and they both organized for bed.

Author's Note!
Hello again! yes you've just read a story called periods. I'm gonna do this for all the couples who has a daughter, because we all know it's a part of a girl's life and every parent same gender or different, would have to go though this with their girl child. Oh and a quick thank you to all those who supported my Christmas Specials!

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