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Brett woke up to the warmth of a body pressed against him from behind. He felt soft breaths tickling his ear.

Sunshine peeked through the thin, transparent curtains, lighting up the room. He rubbed his eyes drowsily and looked at the clock on the bedside table, eyes taking a while to focus due to heavy, sleep ridden eyelids. 7 a.m. It was still very much early.

He turned around to the other side of the bed to look at his significant other. Eddy was still fast asleep. His cheek was smushed against the pillow and his lips was slightly parted as he breathed. Brett watched the slow rise and fall of his chest. He looks so peaceful. The morning rays accentuated his sharp features and his dark brown hair was astray in every direction possible. The image was anything but flattering yet Eddy looked absolutely ethereal in his eyes. Smiling fondly, Brett reached up to caress his cheek. His touch was feathery light, as if touching something precious and treasured, trying not to wake the sleeping beauty. These fragile moments of the early morning, vulnerable, real and intimate— Brett loved it.

Eddy stirred in his slumber and hummed. He had a small smile as he slept. Brett watched in fascination as he studied Eddy's face. What is he dreaming about to make him all smiles like that? He poked his cheek and booped the tip of his nose, giggling to himself as he whined in his sleep.

Sleepy eyes fluttered open, and Eddy smiled at the sight of his boyfriend, thankful for being able to wake up next to him like this. "Mornin'."

Brett huddled up closer and gave him a quick good morning kiss. "Morning. You've been smiling in your sleep. What did you dream about?" He asked curiously.

"Mm, it's nothing." Eddy brushed off.

"Aw, come on. Must've been something nice."

"I guess I just remembered some old high school crushes."

Eddy laughed in amusement looking at how Brett's face immediately soured. Perhaps he was hoping that Eddy had been dreaming about him. Brett hit him lightly on the chest. "How dare you dream of someone else when you already have me!" He scolded.

"Are you being jealous?" Eddy asked cheekily, flashing his signature toothy smile that Brett absolutely adored even as he was irked by him at the moment.

"Am I supposed not to?" Brett asked in disbelief as he huffed and looked the other way.

Eddy laughed. "It was just a dream." He kissed Brett's puffy cheeks but he still won't turn around to look at him.


No response.

"Bretty?" Eddy cooed sweetly, hoping the use of his pet name would ward off all that frustration away.

It was so clear to him that he was fighting the smile threatening to show on his lips. Eddy grinned mischievously as he snaked his hand down Brett's bare torso.

Brett was only a simple man. Despite his unwillingness, his body inadvertently responded to Eddy's touches. He let out a sigh as his breath hitched, feeling the ghosting kisses against his skin. Eddy just knew where to push his buttons.

"Look at me, please." Eddy whispered into his ears.

Brett looked at him, although the pout was still clear on his face. "Yes, you're right. I'm not gonna lie, I am jealous. Who was that lucky person anyway? I lost count. You had a lot of crushes back then."

Eddy smiled softly at him. The best, and quite possibly the last.

"Well then, consider yourself lucky." Eddy leaned forward and kissed Brett on the lips. He lingered for a bit before pulling away when he didn't feel any response.

Brett's expression was so funny, but Eddy held back his laughter. Brett was dumbstruck and as a result, his mouth was agape. Yet somehow, the red flush was apparent on his face all the while.

"Wh- what do you mean? Are you saying-"

"That I had a crush on you all this time? Yes."

"But since when? And why didn't you say anything?"

"I couldn't say something that I wasn't even aware of now could I? But I'm sure now, more than ever, that I am unmistakably, undoubtedly, absolutely in love with you. And if you doubt yourself again, I will remind you each and every time, as many times as you'd like— there is no where else I'd rather be than in your arms."

Eddy didn't have the best memory nor could he pinpoint the exact moment when he started looking at Brett in a different light. It was a budding feeling, that had grown through the years, but pushed far back into the deepest parts of his heart. The mysterious feeling that could only be described as longing. Perhaps that was the closest word for it. Sadly, the bud was denied of a chance to bloom. Unbeknownst to them for what could turn out to be something beautiful. They were so close yet they missed each other. But they were lucky that the universe brought them together that one fateful night.

"I don't even know what I'm supposed to say to that." Brett was so happy, he couldn't even conjure the words in response.

"You don't have to. Just promise to stay by my side."

This special bond that they share, there were no others like it. He wouldn't trade what they have for anything in this world. Brett was his anchor, weighing him down before he float away, going too deep into the darkest place of his mind. When he was lost in the midst of this crazy ride called life, he was his light, guiding him back to the things that were important. Eddy didn't know how to express it to Brett how precious and important he was to him but he hoped in time, he would understand.

Eddy's words tugged at his heartstrings, making his eyes glassy from the overwhelming emotions. Being the imperfect person that he was, Eddy still stayed by him. He was so lucky to have someone so understanding and loving as his best friend.

Their faces met halfway and they kissed deeply, slowly. They rested their foreheads on each other with their noses barely brushing. Brett looked at Eddy in the eyes, and spoke with utmost certainty. "You have my heart. I trust you, Eddy. I.. I love you."

"I love you." He said it again, with a newly refined determination.

There were times Eddy felt terrible from making Brett cry, and there were also times he was overjoyed for making him smile brightly. But when Brett teared up with happiness like this, Eddy's heart just burst with so much love and adoration for him.

He had been there for him for as long as he could remember. They were each other's constant all through the years. Sometimes, it was easy for these kind of things to be taken for granted.

That night, under the twinkling stars, surrounded by a flower garden in the backyard of his childhood home, was one of Eddy's most precious memories. He remembered it like it was yesterday. The cool air caressing his face. The rush and excitement as they danced like madmen till they fell over. His dream reminded him of that moment and convinced him of his feelings for Brett once more.

Neither of them thought that they'd be in a relationship so deep and profound such as this. It sort of just happened and everything just fell in place perfectly. One day, they looked at each other in the eyes and realised they never wanted to look at another's ever again.

They were each other's past and present. And now they were each other's future.

Eddy hold him impossibly closer, he could feel his steady heartbeat against his chest. Brett's on the left and Eddy's was on the right. They sort of completed each other like that, beating at their own pace.

"I love you too, Brett."

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