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Everyone was feeling a little peckish after a while of swimming indicating it was almost time for lunch. They've brought some packed lunchboxes and a cooler filled with cold beverages. As they were setting up the picnic blanket, Eddy pulled Brett away in the midst of their lunch preparation.

They were behind their SUV and Eddy made sure nobody was within earshot.

"What's up?" Brett asked.

Brett could see the doubt in Eddy's face and he was starting to worry that he wasn't enjoying himself on this trip. That this was all forced on him.

"Something wrong, Ed?" He asked again with concern, his hand touching Eddy's cheek.

Eddy was in doubt before speaking but decided he would just come clean, "Jade found out."

"WHAT?" Brett whisper-shouted as to not attract attention.

"I'm sorry. I tried to distract her but she was too good. Also, I'm lowkey kinda scared of her."

"Well, it can't be helped." He sighed.

"But it's fine. She promised not to say anything about it."

"It's all good then. Let's just enjoy the rest of today." He was about to join the rest of the group when Eddy pulled his hand back.

"Brett, I think it's about time we tell them. They're your friends and they care about you. Believe in them. They deserve to know."

Brett looked at the taller man with uncertainty, considering it. Eddy was right. It was about time. There was no other perfect timing than right now.

"Hey, don't worry so much. I'm here with you. We'll do this together, okay?" Eddy squeezed Brett's hand trying to convince him that everything will be okay when he noticed that the other man was feeling nervous.

Brett nodded to himself, finding his confidence to face his friends. "Yeah.. yeah. You're right. Let's do it."

They walked back to their friends, hand in hand, no longer hiding it. There was no reason to. Not anymore.

Ryan nearly choked on his drink.

Jade screamed.

And Sara was furious.

It went much better than he thought, if Brett would say so himself.

After a lengthy explanation, Sara hugged Brett, saying how she was so happy for them both. She wasn't mad at them for hiding it but she was a little sad that Brett didn't trust his friends.

The rest of the trip went so well. With nothing left to hide and no reason to be on their guard, Brett and Eddy enjoyed the time with their friends even more.

And with that, all was forgiven.

They were basking in the sunset before ending their trip and going back to their everyday life. The sky was painted with bold and brilliant shades of red and orange. Rays of sunshine reflected on the surface of the water and sparkled beautifully.

Brett and Eddy were sitting on a bench facing the sea. They sat in comfortable silence, taking in the mesmerising view while enjoying the presence of the other. Brett had his head resting on Eddy's shoulder. The sound of waves was so calming, he was nearly lulled to sleep. They had their fingers intertwined together. His lips curled into a little smile, loving everything about this very moment.

The breeze blew through Brett's hair messing it up. But Eddy thought that he looked nice anyway. In the golden rays of light, smiling brightly and innocently.

The sea was like any other. But dare they say, it was much more beautiful now that they were here together.

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