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Brett jumped up from his bed so fast he almost threw his phone. He took a few minutes to reply to show that he wasn't too excited about it when in reality he actually was. He typed a reply back. A few moments later, he got himself a date.

'Okay, no. Maybe calling it a "date" was little bit too much.' They were just two best friends hanging like they usually do. A "friendly date" perhaps?'

'Eddy actually texted me first and asked me to hangout.' Brett grinned from ear to ear as he read the text again in disbelief. 'Oh god, this is really happening. Was the emoji too much? He must've think I'm such a dork for being excited over this.'

He buried his face in his pillow and let out a muffled scream out of excitement.

Oh no, he was nervous. Why was he nervous? He has hung out with Eddy countless times before. Why was he nervous at all? Oh, he was freaking out now.

He texted the groupchat consisting of him, Sara, Ryan and Jade. Its main purpose was for their group project but they mostly talk about random stuff. Coincidentally, it was also where they bonded over "hot goss" from across the campus. Jade was their insider. There was almost nothing that she couldn't find out.

Brett: *screenshot.jpeg* Oh my god?

Jade: Wow, the Ever Busy, Honours Student Eddy Chen is actually making time for his friend. Shocker.

Brett: Right??

Sara: Okay, remember what we talked about before, Brett? Address the problems.

Brett: Do I have to? I'm sure I'm just overreacting. I just really wanna hangout with him. I don't wanna be a downer.

Ryan: Why the heck are you guys awake at this ungodly hour omg

Jade: Hey, we always got each other's back no matter what. Isn't that right, Ryan? 😇🔪

Ryan: Right. Go get him, tiger!

Sara: You'll be fine, Brett. You guys have been friends for so many years. You can't let this little thing bring you guys apart.

Leave it to Sara for pep talks. She always knew what to say in times of stress.

Brett: Okay, fine. You're right.

Ryan: Yeah, man. Just have be yourself and have fun.

Jade: Finally, we're about to be free from this curse of Brett's pining!

Brett: Okaaay. Goodnight everyone.

Sometimes Brett was kinda grateful for this mismatch group of his. They may be a little weird and nosey at times but they were good people.

He lied back down and tried to go back to sleep. All he could think about was Eddy. He was gonna see his best friend again. Things would return to normal between them. The giddy feeling in his stomach kept him awake for most of the night but he eventually fell asleep dreaming about tomorrow.

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